Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Blogger Beatitudes

The world becomes a different place, when you take time to count your blessings. People who look at the bright side of life, instead of on the dark side, are truly a blessing to everyone they meet.
I have written before, about the importance of regular mail delivery at my work. Seniors live and breathe their mail! All day long, residents ask me, "Has the mail been delivered?" And, they are clearly disappointed and often times disgruntled, that it has not yet arrived. And when, and this is rare, the postal person delivers before 10 a.m., I get complaints that the mail has come too early!

                      "Blessed are those who appreciate any mail, whenever it comes."

Lots of comments about our planned activities and events, are expressed, with great passion, to me. Many residents come to my desk and complain that there are way too many activities and they can't choose which ones to attend and which to ignore. Other folks say that they don't have enough to do. They want more activities. It seems that no one is satisfied.

                             "Blessed are those who can find joy in being alive."

Then, there are the constant comments about the weather and the temperature of various rooms and apartments. If you have three women in the same room, one will be cold, another will be freezing, and the third will be just right!

    "Blessed are those who can adapt to the  changing weather with joy."

And, last but not least are the complaints about the food. Taste in food is individual and that's why we have a full menu of choices. But, that doesn't matter. From the comments that reach me, no one likes anything we put on the table. (I once had a two year old who felt that way!) However, everything I have eaten in our beautiful dining room, has been quite tasty. Truly, if I do not have to buy, prepare and serve a meal, I always enjoy it.

                        "Blessed are the hungry, because they aren't so darn picky."

Dear Lord. You have given us so many blessings. We don't focus on them nearly enough. Our lives are bounty filled and our fortunes are many. We give thanks.

1 comment:

Karen said...

Blessed are your words, Nancy, because they make us think and appreciate the many Blessings we have. God bless you and your thoughts.
Love you, Karen

But, what if we need it?

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