Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Happy New Year

None of the following is original. I found the words in a catalog of some sort. Only if you are a hermit and live in a cave without a postal address, would you not know, that December, is the month for catalog inundation. I love catalogs and all the neat stuff for sale in them. However, rarely do I indulge in purchasing anything from catalogs (I am a retail, brick and mortar-type shopper). But, I do enjoy looking!
Quite a few people shop exclusively by catalog. Judging by the number of packages that I have handled in our mail room, over the last few weeks, we should have invested in UPS or Fed X, years ago! Catalog and on-line shopping, is very 21st Century.
So, we are at year's end. Time to sing "Auld Lang Syne", and toast the new year. 2018 is about to give way to 2019. All in all, it has been a pretty darn good year. 
Time to say so long, see you next year...........................or, how about using............."In an Hour, Sunflower...........Maybe two, Kangaroo....................Gotta go, Buffalo......................Better Swish, Jellyfish.........or finally..............Bye, Bye, Butterfly!

Prospero ano y felicidad.

Gracious God. We have been trying to do our best for you, for the past year. WE know that we have a lot more to do. We thank you for our many blessings. We believe, in our hearts that next year will be even better.

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