Thursday, December 27, 2018

A Little Flakey

My gift to the residents this year was a "Nancy-crafted" crocheted snowflake. Along with the snowflake, we added an original, collaborative poem.


Snowflakes have many facets, all of us do.
Mostly we look similar, but there are differences, too.
As we fall from the sky and tumble t’ward ground,
Our swirling and spiraling, shapes us, we’ve found.
The paths that we travel, make people unique.
All we encounter affects our mystique.
Each face is special, shaped by joy and strife,
These flakes remind us, of the blessings of life.

                                                 Nancy and Scott Kincaid

I think the residents liked them, because the verbal "thank yous" have been numerous. Several folks noted that it must have taken me a long time to do the crocheting. I replied that it did, but the hours spent were a labor of love. Each flake was unique, just as each of our residents are one-of-a kind.
Three residents offered to help me deliver the little items, to the apartments. Accepting their offer was another way to share in the joy of gift giving. 
I am blessed.                      


Mrs. O'Daniels said...

Hi Aunt Nancy....we love out snowflake too!!! We got to pick it off the Christmas tree.
Merry Christmas

Karen said...

Your niece and nephews got to pick their snowflake off of our tree. I gave them each a copy of this e-piece to accompany it. What a nice reflection. Many thanks for giving yourself to us this Christmas. We have two of our own to treasure. Love always. K

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