Sunday, May 27, 2018

Read me a story.

I'm a reader. I read nearly everything that comes my way. I read the local newspaper, daily.
('The print copy, of course. Not the digital.) The Holy Bible, ads, flyers, and magazines. Currently, I am reading an Agatha Christie novel, on my e-reader and a hard-bound non-fiction story, The Residence, about life in the White House. It is unusual for me not to have a couple of "reads" going, at the same time. And, I re-read books that I really like. I think I have read all of the Jane Austen novels, several times. My favorites are Pride and Prejudice, and Persuasion. Last year, I read Alice in Wonderland and Dickens' Christmas Carol. Great books worthy of a re-read.
My enjoyment of reading is hereditary. Some of my earliest memories are of the Carnegie Library in Pittsburg, Kansas. My mother took us there, regularly. It was probably the cheapest activity, for her two girls, that she could imagine. But, what a gift! My sister continued the practice, when she was old enough, to walk us on summer mornings, to the marvelous stone library, on Fourth Street, where we could check out lots of books and learn all kinds of great stuff.
I had a favorite aunt, who would send my sister and me wonderful books at Christmas. Okay. I liked toys and dolls and things, but the books are the items that I kept. To this day, I still read my copy of Better Homes and Garden Storybook. I can recite most of it from memory.  And, the really cool thing is, my sister sends my grand kids books, on special occasions. Hereditary!!
Reading is a wonderful pastime. It can continue even after your eyesight is gone. I am acquainted with numerous folks who listen to audio books, on a regular basis.
I believe that readers are dreamers. It doesn't matter how old you become. Read on dreamers, read on.

Gracious God, We thank you for the gift of language. Thank you for teachers. Thank you for parents and siblings who care. We are truly blessed, in so many ways. You are good.

1 comment:

Karen said...

Thanks for the Sweet memories---beats the bloody basket story!
Love you "much younger one"...


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