Friday, March 16, 2018

Say the right thing...please.

People do pay attention to proper English. Right or wrong, every time you open your mouth, someone is judging your knowledge of the English Language. I do not profess to use perfect grammar....written or spoken. But, sometimes when folks speak to me, in a supposedly professional setting, and they use awful English, it hurts.
Take for example, "ain't". It is never acceptable to use the word "ain't". Recently, I was told "if it ain't got our names on it, it "ain't" for us." "Ain't", when it is spoken, (surely no one actually writes the word) is a contraction for the words "is" and "not". Charles Dickens made fun of illiterate people who used the word, in the mid-1800's. "Ain't" has been wrong, for centuries!
"Never say ain't. Say isn't", was one of the first lessons in grammar, that most of us were taught. I do know that folks over the age of 40, have no excuse.
Perhaps, teachers today do not emphasize the use of proper English. Maybe, those same teachers actually use the word "ain't". Maybe their students just aren't listening. Whatever the reason, it is unfortunate that the word continues to be used.
It is such a simple thing, but it is so wrong.

Holy Lord. Help us to do our best for You and others. Our lives are a reflection of your love and care. You do your best for us.

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