Thursday, June 28, 2018

Thirty Days Hath September........

As I age, it seems to me that time seems to fly by faster and faster. "Only six months until Christmas", announced the radio guy, on my way to work this morning. I'm thinking....what on earth happened to the first half of 2018?
So, here's what I can recall about 2018, six months into the year. Around the middle of January, I gave up on my New Year's Resolutions........ whatever they were. Then, in February we had some really cold weather. In March, St. Patrick's Day came and went. In April, I mailed a lot of IRS Tax returns. May, was pretty busy, but I can't remember anything about what happened, except a very pleasant Mother's Day.
Now here we are in late June. We've already had a pack of 100 degree days, all the summer I need, and Flag Day.
But it all went by, so fast, and before I know it we will be decorating our Christmas Trees.
And, then Happy 2019!

Great and Gracious God. Show us how to slow down and enjoy this short time that we have on this Earth. We are truly blessed.

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"Her name was McGill. She called herself Lil, but everyone knew her as ............"

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