Sunday, July 22, 2018

Let it!

I am going to paint my kitchen yellow. I don't think it is the current DIY trend. Never the less, I am going with yellow.
Recently, I expounded on redecorating my kitchen. I had just started to strip the old wall paper,
and promptly had three set of guests and an out-of-town trip or two, before I could actually finish my project.
Well, I am finally back at the redo! Here's why I decided on yellow. Yellow is mellow, and it will blend with my blue and white antique dishes. I already have three entire sets of dishes, besides the blue and white ones, and at my age, I don't need to buy another set. I have too many dishes as it is.
In case the mature among you don't realize it yet, your children do not want your stuff! They do not want your china. They do not want your sterling silver, and for Pete's sake, they do not want your books.
I know this, because, I am asked nearly every week, by lovely, cultured, new residents, " Do your want my books? I have wonderful books. Best sellers, every one. My kids don't want them."
200 + residents. 200 +, collections of books.
No one can bring themselves to throw away books. But, we will take them. We will attempt to find a place for therm. Our library is full to the brim, but there are places (and we know where they are) that will accept book donations.
Maybe, just maybe, in the next decade, or so, I can make good use of my  old blue and white dishes. Some will break, others will be lost. But, I am not leaving them to my kids.

Dear Lord. You must see the humor in your children's folly. We collect. We can't take it with us. Our stuff means nothing to anyone but us. Help us to let it go. Your arms are our final destination.We praise Your Holy Name.

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But, what if we need it?

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