Friday, January 19, 2018

Whatever happened to..........?

Common Courtesy!!!! I am beginning to think that the words "thank you" and "please" are disappearing from the English Language. Life is so much more pleasant, when folks couch their "asks" with a kind word like please or thank you.
Lately, I have been dealing with what we call.....Drive-by demands, drive-by complaints and drive-by snipers. Here's what I have been hearing, most recently. "Sign me up for Wal-Mart!" and " I didn't like my lunch. ( Not enough meat, or potatoes or liquid......just something wasn't right, and I want you to fix it.) and " I guess the mail isn't here yet. When are you going to do something about that?" And, all of these comments are barked at me while the speakers are on the move, from one end of my desk to the other. They don't stop, they just keep on moving. Then they are gone.
I stand there listening and await an AK-47 barrage, from their rolling-walker bags, as they pass my desk. Yap, Yap, Ya-da-ya-da......Rat-a tat-tat! Splat. She's down...... we got her!!
I think it is worth noting, however, that none of these jibes and barbs, actually require a response from me, the target. The demanders, complainers and snipers don't really want an answer or comment. They are just interested in having their comments heard.
Well, I hear you, loud and clear, of course, thank you for your concerns. You are so very welcome for sharing.

Dear God, Give me patience. Remind me that many of the comments are not aimed directly at me. Remind me that all of Your children are special in Your eyes. Keep my mind and heart focused on what you want me to do.

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