Saturday, February 10, 2018

Take it off....take it all off!

I'm writing about pounds, of course. Since we are now in the second month of the year, and most of us have already broken our January promises to loose a few pounds, we might as well think about giving up a few things for Lent. Sort of a second shot at doing something good for our bodies. It sounds like a good plan, to me.
Lots of the youngsters at work (Staff, not residents..the residents are all elderly, like me) are following a diet that allows them to eat only fat and protein. They are not allowed to eat sugars or carbohydrates. I've chosen not to follow this regimen (not that they asked me to join them). I just can't see that my slightly elevated blood pressure and high cholesterol numbers are going to improve with stuff like deep-fried pork rinds.
The other diet, that is currently enjoying popularity is very simple. It is "not eating anything after seven p.m." I like this one, although I don't think it is going to help me much. I hardly ever eat anything after seven p.m., anyway!
Another one is the "Cut out French Fries and Soda Diet." My friend is doing that and has lost 9 pounds in two weeks. That's amazing, but the trouble is.....I not a regular soda drinker (maybe once a month) and fries don't agree with me. Fried food give me a tummy ache.
What's a girl to do?
I will cheer on the dieters and I will not offer to share any chocolate that comes my way, on February 14th.

Dear Lord. Help us to respect our bodies and our souls. You have given us many great things and we are thankful for our blessings.

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