Friday, September 14, 2018

Pinch me!

There is a program on TV tonight entitled "Ancient Invisible Cities". My husband asked me, "
what kind of show would that be?" Very good question.
Back when you had to actually get up and physically change the channels on a television set and all three channels were free, programming was simple and easy. These days, besides having to pay for programs and advertising, we have to decide what's real and what's not.
Reality TV is all the rage. But, only a very simple person would actually buy into the REALness of reality TV. Take the show called Naked and Alone, or something like that. If he's alone, who is taking the pictures? How real, or true to life, is anything or anyone when a camera crew is watching everything?
Home make-over and home-buying shows are another issue. Just how "real" are they? Those couples are always asking for two sinks per bathroom! Who really wants to be in the same bathroom with someone else is doing his or her business? Bathroom fixture sales must be soaring!
News isn't really news. Most of that is fake, according to unnamed sources.
I don't know what to believe, anymore............

Dear God. You are real. My faith in You is real. Your steadfast love endures forever.

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