Friday, May 11, 2018

Fairy Tales

The first and foremost rule of my job is "never argue with the residents". Today was a perfect example of  the extremes that I must go to, to appease the senior masses.
Friday, was Grocery Store Day. Normally we take people to the local supermarket, twice a week, but this week, due to scheduled vehicle maintenance, we used our shuttle only once. Our driver generally takes one assistant and 8-10 shoppers. But today, 20 seniors were eagerly waiting to board the bus at shopping time. 
Since we have always asked out shoppers to sign up prior to shopping day, the number of prospective shoppers surprised all of the staff. 10 extra shoppers is a big deal!
Now, if one wants to go shopping, one is supposed to sign up, in advance, with the
So, casually I asked, "Why isn't your name on my list? "(to each of the ten shoppers not registered). To a person, they each replied, "Well, I told you I wanted to go."
Okay. Okay. We found room on the bus and took another vehicle to carry the groceries. But, there is no way that I forgot to register 10 people. One or two possibly, but not ten.
I shouldered the blame. It was my fault. My mistake. Everyone got to go shopping and everyone was happy. No one was harmed and no one was offended.
There you go, folks.  I hope you enjoyed the trip.

Great and gracious God. Your people are odd creatures. We want to be in charge. Each and every one of us, but You know that we are not in control. Teach us how to love one another and put ourselves in Your most capable hands.

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