Wednesday, November 14, 2018


We've all heard and read the stories of elderly folks going out in sub-zero weather, getting lost and freezing or nearly freezing to death. Just the thought of such a thing happening horrifies all of us.
Well, at about 5:45 this morning, those thoughts were racing through my brain!
I had the best of intentions, this morning. I woke up a little early and as per my usual custom, ventured out into the driveway to pick up the morning paper. We are having unusually cold weather, for November, so thankfully I was dressed for my brief outing. I had remembered to wear my long robe and SHOES, for a change.
Well, as long as I am out, I reasoned, I will take our trash, and deposit it on the curb (we keep it in the garage). After completing those tasks, thoroughly chilled to the bone, I closed the garage door and attempted to open the kitchen door. Locked, I discovered.
What to do? Knowing that my spouse is asleep at the far end of the house, my only alternative to freezing is to go back outside and try the front doorbell. Maybe, he will hear it, get up, grab his walker and shuffle to the door.
On the third ring, he opened the door. I thanked him profusely, and asked If he knew it was me, at the door. Of course, he replied.
Well, we have been married 52 years. I guess he knows me awfully well.

Dear Lord. Thank you for being my guardian and protector. Thank you for blessing me with folks who care about me. Show me how to care for others.

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