Monday, October 31, 2022

Just Cover Your Ears

 So, I've had a few thoughts about Harmony and Discord, lately. It all began with a Fortune Cookie quote. "Harmony cannot be made, if everyone is singing the same note."

Simple, but true. If I were a tattoo-kind of girl, I'd have that inked on me, someplace. It would be perfect to display, when I am accosted by someone who questions my intelligence, because I don't subscribe to the same exact political beliefs, as my accoster!

But then, I thought about Discord. In truth, I've heard a lot of discordant music in my life. After all, I'm the proud surviving mother of four beginning violin students. It's true, I guess, that most folks don't know good music from bad. But, there are folks who can tell. Once, I witnessed a Grammy Award winning choral conductor, stop a performance in mid-note, because some tenors had erred, on a minute series of notes.  Much to everyone's embarrassment, he made the whole group sing the song again. I don't think anyone, but the conductor (and the composer, who happened to be sitting right in front of me) realized the mistake, but the show went on, red faces and all.

Ruth Bader Ginsberg, is quoted as having said (or written), "You can disagree without being disagreeable." In fact that exact quote, and a few similar ones are attributed many other famous and infamous people. There's a bit of irony for you.

So, as we approach, yet another, contentious election, can we remember that there are going to be some winners and some losers. Just vote, everyone who possibly can, then please, shut up. Don't whine if your favorite lost and don't boast if you backed a winner.  We don't all sing the same note.

Lord, you are all powerful and all knowing. We aren't. Thank you for holding us close and protecting us.

Saturday, October 29, 2022

UNFORTUNATE New Traditions

There is a relatively new tradition out there called Trunk or Treat. I'm sure it was created by someone, who was trying to make this ancient holiday, safer for our youngsters. For those of you who do not know, organizations, churches, schools and even some neighborhoods, amass candy (donated from who knows where) and kids, instead of going door to door, go to advertised places, moving from open car trunk to car trunk, collecting candy. Weird but true.

A little Internet research will tell you that only one Halloween candy poisoning death has occurred, since the 1970's, when we all started freaking out about EVIL TREATS. And, that was an actual father who gave his own kid, Cyanide laced candy. There have been no real cases, of razor blades in fruit and glass imbedded candy bars. Look folks, strangers giving out candy from car trunks sounds dangerous to me.

So, I ask you, in an age when parents refuse to let their kids walk to school, (there are designated days when schools encourage walking...with parents and police escorts!) why are the same parents allowing their kids to take treats, out of stranger's car trunks? The new phrase of wisdom might be, "Don't take candy from strangers, unless it's from their car trunk."

Remember, when we cautioned our kids, about folks dealing drugs and stolen goods, out of their car trunk? Remember, when kids went Trick or Treating in their own neighborhood. When, they asked for treats from people, they or their parents knew. Times have changed.

I hope and pray that every child has a safe Halloween. 

Monday, October 24, 2022

One small step for mankind......

 How long does it take to un-learn a habit? For the last 41 years, in my home, I have been using two teeny-tiny steps to come, in and out, of the attached garage. Last week, in a fit of handyman-ism, I decided to rebuild the steps and fashion my entrance into ONE, normal sized step. 

All went well. With the help of a power jig-saw, an electric drill, wood and L-shaped brackets, the step turned out beautiful, functional and quite nice looking. That's my opinion, you realize. And, what's more important, no one was injured in the making of the step!

Since the completion of this fine new entrance, I have fallen out of the door, at least a dozen times. Thankfully, catching myself without totally hitting the garage floor. I realized that I had to make some serious adaptations. Now, I slow down, tell myself to watch my "step", read the two large signs that say STOP and listen to the set of Christmas bells, that are now attached to the doorknob.

I am trying to reteach my muscle memory and my brain to use the new height, on the step. Can I successfully teach an old dog a new trick? If so, how long will it take? In the meantime, my insurance is paid up and I am taking BABY STEPS!!!!

Good and gracious God, we are so thankful for the talents, which you have given each and every one of us. We are different. Remind us of our limitations, your gifts to us and your Holy Grace. Give us good sense and the ability to use it. We praise your Holy Name.

Saturday, October 15, 2022

What on earth?????

 Just when you think you have seen it all, something happens that puts you down a peg or two, on your experience "road of life." You know, the type of event that completely gob smacks you, and you are totally dumbfounded. 

I don't want to brag, but recently, I have complemented myself on a distinguished group of friends that, for the most part, exhibit what I consider to be the best of mature couth and manners. My friends, new and old, can behave themselves in almost any circumstance. Big events, small events, lunches for a hundred or dinner for two, I'm proud to be with them. 

However, what is it that we say about proud? Yesterday, while supervising a coffee/donut event for a small gathering of ladies, I proceeded to see a well-dressed matron, stick a fork, in each of nearly three dozen donuts. May I help you, I asked? She replied that she was looking for a raised one. After I shut my gaping mouth, I told her that they were all cake donuts. So, disappointed for sure, she picked out one and went on her merry way.

Who does that? I mean really! If she had been a three year old, I would have smacked her hand and yanked the fork out of her paw. Didn't we just spent the greater part of the last to years, avoiding contact with EVERYONE. What was she thinking? Oh My Goodness.

Dear Lord. Give me patience....but, could you please work on good sense for everyone. 

Monday, October 10, 2022

Joy to the World

 One of the most annoying facts about aging, is downsizing. We all have to do it. The stuff that we spend a lifetime collecting, can't be taken with us, to our final destination, so we all need to let a bunch of it go. 

The first thing that I chucked this week was the stack of papers, downloads from my computer and several books, about decluttering. One author wrote, " Get rid of everything that does not give you JOY". I tried that for a while, but honestly, some mornings my only JOY items, would be a full coffee mug, my ratty KU sweatshirt and paint-spattered jeans! 

Oh, and I have tried the "If you didn't wear it last season, it needs to go to the thrift store" theory. Sincerely, I have one, less than six-foot long closet, for my clothes, I don't think that's excessive. The nearest thrift store, knows me by name! And, For years, I have subscribed to the adage, "Nothing comes into the house, unless something else goes out." However, I have recently altered that to, "One thing in...10 things out."

There has been one helpful suggestion, that I recently saw on the Internet. Downsize by not buying any new holiday decorations. In my case, Christmas is not an issue. It's those pesky, cute pumpkins that are on shelves everywhere. 

So, I have sworn an oath to myself. No more pumpkins. "Nancy", I told myself, "do not buy any more ceramic, wood, papier mache, or real pumpkins. Don't carve any fresh pumpkins, and stop creating any more crocheted pumpkins. You have enough! And, furthermore, start gifting them to your friends and neighbors. Give them a little of your JOY"!

All knowing God. Joy does come from giving to others. Show us how to deal with our selfishness. Help us to be more giving.

Sunday, October 9, 2022

Tis the Season to be Spicey

Happy Pumpkin Spice Season. I used to think of Autumn, as the season of Halloween and Thanksgiving, but folks, the world is changing my thoughts. Everything imaginable, now comes  Pumpkin Spice flavored. The obvious being coffee, tea, donuts, ice cream and cake mix. But, there are some odd newcomers on the shelves that might or might not surprise you.

There are Pumpkin Spice Cheerios and Pumpkin Spice Granola Bars. How about some tasty Pumpkin Spice pancakes? Or, Pumpkin Spice Oreos (Oreos with bright orange filling)?And, you can wash your hair in PS Shampoo, use a PS Moisturizing Face Mask or daub on PS lipstick. There are even Pumpkin Spice dog treats! 

Just what is Pumpkin Spice? It is actually a mixture of ground Cinnamon, Nutmeg, Ginger, Allspice and sometimes Clove. That simple spice mixture (if you cook, you will have all, or most of them, in your spice rack) is the flavor combination used in pumpkin pie and pumpkin bread. It's the perfect spice mix to cover up the horrible taste of pumpkin. It also works wonders with zucchini, which is another nasty tasting vegetable.

Some crafty ad executive just tacked on the word "pumpkin" to spice up (get it) a new twist on the season. Just like there is no crying in baseball, there is no pumpkin in Pumpkin Spice.  

But, go ahead. Drink up. That Pumpkin Spice Latte won't be around, forever.

Great God. Aren't we just the funniest creatures you created? Keep us safe from our silliness. We are so thankful for our many blessings. 


But, what if we need it?

 Attention ,all of you "half-way hoarders" out there. You know who you are. I am not the one who is judging you. I, myself, am a r...