- I painted my toenails, lime green, this week! Maybe that's not bold to you, but it is to me. I've always been a soft pink, or on occasion, sometimes red, kinda girl. Why did I do it? Well, why not????? I'm going to try glitter polish, next.
- I booked an airline flight. I did it, even though I fear I might get stranded, at a strange airport, I think I can handle the wait. I'll take a portable pillow, and put a toothbrush in my purse!
- I went to a new church, by myself. Participated in their Sunday Worship and survived the experience. I've been back twice.
- I bought 2 quarts of Eggnog. Yeah, I know it's not December, but if it's fresh, and on the shelf in July, why not buy it? I like Eggnog, even if it's not the season. (I froze one....for September!)
- I signed up for, attended and finished training, for a regular volunteer position, at a local museum. I was sincerely surprised, that they took me on.
Sunday, July 24, 2022
Risky Business
Friday, July 15, 2022
Prepositions, Tense Usage and Spelling Lessons
Okay. I am beginning to channel Brittany Spears. This morning, after hearing a well paid, well known, Two Star General of the United States Army confuse, yet again, the word cavalry (which I am sure he intended to use) with the word Calvary (which he didn't), I said to myself, "Oops. He did it again."
I do not pretend to be a stellar student of perfect grammar, but I do have some particular quirks. The language, of the above mentioned general worries me, because he has his finger on the BUTTON! And, his lack of education seems obvious, in my book. What is the US Military Academy teaching? Certainly, not the Holy Bible......or diction!!!!!
I had a boss, once, who kept asking clients, "Where did you go to school at?" I just kept wishing, just once, that someone would have replied, "Well, thank God, it wasn't the same one you attended." And, our current governor regularly uses improper verb tenses. He seems to be forever quoted as saying, "I seen it" and "He done it". His grammar rivals that of the late Dizzy Dean. Was he absent from school, the day the rest of the class learned about irregular verbs?
Judging is not a gift of the Holy Spirit. I honestly try, to be a kind and caring individual, accepting the differences of others. But, these things drive me crazy. I know, that I can't change the speech of others. I might as well adopt, as my motto, "It makes no nevermind. I ain't gonna change a thing."
Dear Lord, help me to be a more accepting person. Remind me that I am not in charge. Remind me to calm down. Life is short. Teach me patience.
Thursday, July 14, 2022
Little, Life Lessons Learned.
If there's one thing that I have had a hard time learning, over the past six months, is that I cannot fix everything. And, it's been a hard lesson.
- I've learned to to mow the yard, and in the process frightened myself, quite thoroughly, numerous times. It's not possible to mow sideways, on a slope, and tree branches do not necessary bend when struck, with the front end, of a John Deere. Both good lessons......NOT to be repeated.
- I've learned that I do not want to use a chain saw. Violent machines are not to be handled by slightly timid old ladies. It will stay in its case, until someone comes around, who can use it safely. Mother nature can take care of my dangling tree branches!
- I've learned to go to unfamiliar places by myself, and more importantly sleep alone.
- I learned to talk to annoying folks, on the phone, who don't speak slowly and clearly enough for hearing impaired persons, like me. "Kill them with kindness" and tell them it's MY fault, that I cannot hear them. They always change their tunes, after that.
- I've figured out how to use a cell phone (sort of) and made use of the driving map icon. I can text, now, and occasionally send a photo. Sometimes, I still have to ask my grandkids for assistance with other features.
Wednesday, July 6, 2022
Nansense Nonsense, or something like that
Everyone, these days, communicates by text messages. My grandkids can text. My adult children text. And, believe it or not, this old lady can send text messages, to her many, equally mature, associates. I have learned how to capitalize, use numbers and add punctuation. I can even throw in some text speak, like u for you, r for are and don't forget to add a thnx or 2! I've got this!
I do however have one small question. What's up with this auto-correct thing?. Tonight, I tried to sign my text ( Yes, I know it's not necessary, because my name appears at the top of the message), with my initials, and here's what happened.
I texted (past tense) my friend. Signed off with NKK, and it was sent as "Nell". So I typed nkk (lower case letters, this time)...it was sent as "No.". Lordy, I thought. Next, I tried NKK, again. "No.", was sent, one more time. So, I wrote my whole name, Nancy K. Kincaid, checked for correct spelling, tapped the arrow and off it went, correctly.
What am I doing wrong? I'm befuddled and mystified. This new fangled stuff is hard.
Dear Lord. Sometimes, just sometimes, it's easy to feel old and inadequate. Adjusting to the new is hard. No one wants to feel left behind, but sometimes we do. Our one constant is you. You are our rock and our redeemer. You are with us at all times.
But, what if we need it?
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