Saturday, October 30, 2021

Not on my watch!

 I try very hard not to be political, in my posts, but today, I just can't help myself.

In 1914, my Keller grandparents immigrated to the United States from Central Europe. They came with $80.00, and the clothes on their backs. Neither of them spoke English. My grandmother couldn't read or write, in German, or any language. And, they weren't traveling alone. They brought along their 6 year old niece, headed across the country to Illinois, by train, where they were met by little Eva's parents. They followed all of the rules and obeyed the laws.

My grandfather had been farmer laborer, but in the U.S., he worked in factories and on WPA projects. He and my grandmother raised five children, all of whom graduated from high school. All three of their sons served in the U.S. armed forces, during WWII. One of their two daughters worked in a defense factory, painting clock faces. My grandmother worked, through her 80's, as a nanny, and grandpa dropped dead, while working, at age 60. Most of their grandchildren graduated from college, and one grandchild was career Navy.

They all worked very hard. It wasn't easy. Twice, they had to live through extreme prejudice, while their adopted country was at war, with the country of their origin.

But, they didn't need a government gift of half a million dollars, to thrive. This is a great country. Every day folks risk their lives, by the hundreds, to cross our borders. We are a country that takes care of our citizens and most recently, our non-citizens. Charities and welfare agencies are not supposed to ask whether the people who ask for assistance are citizens. Because, we, as a county, try to help every person in need. That's what God calls us to do. 

We try to promise freedom and equal opportunity in this country. Immigrants have the opportunity to become millionaires, if they work hard. But, a gift of $450,000? In my, generally non-political opinion, that's a slap in the face to all of our immigrant, two, even four or five generations back. 

Dear all-accepting Lord. You never promised us a rose garden. Life is not easy, and we are not perfect. As we count our blessings, help us to remember those less fortunate. Remind us to take care of others.

Monday, October 25, 2021


Popped a bag of Microwave Popcorn, for Scott last night. While putting the used bag in the trash, I happened to read a short sentence, displayed prominently on the paper. "Only Real Ingredients"'. 

Now, I'm sure that this statement was meant to reassure all snackers, that the popcorn and all flavorings were safe and sanitary. But, is "Real", the correct word? Would you ever be tempted to eat "un-Real ingredients"? What would "un-Real" ingredients be? The popcorn was "Real". The included butter was "Real". The salt was the same. So, what "un-Real" items could the manufacturer have added?  

The next time you eat a packaged item, please check to see that there are no food "spirits" or "ghosts" included. Make sure you are not inadvertently eating invisible, imaginary, or fake spices, solids or liquids. I don't know how someone could eat something that isn't real. If food isn't real, does it have calories? No pretend food for us!

Strange but true. 

Great Lord. The world is full of unexplainable items. We must remember that all good things come from God. You are our reality.

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Cooling Off.....

October and November are my favorite months of the year. By October 1st, our home is festive with ceramic and crocheted pumpkins, fall leaves and happy witches. Autumn is my happy time.

I enjoy the weather in these autumn months. Summers in Kansas City, can be brutal. The heat and humidity, in July-August, can take your take your breath away and fog up a person's glasses. We don't have ocean breezes. Actually, I don't think we have any time of breezes, in Summer.  And, I hate to sweat. My mother used to say, "a lady never sweats, she glows". Phooey!

Our coldest month, in the mid-Midwest, is January. We don't have snowfalls that last weeks and weeks, but we do have our share of ice storms. If you can make it through January, without a serious slip and tumble, then you can start to count your blessings. Going down, on ice, can cause a sprain or a broken bone, but most often it just causes embarrassment. Slips usually occur on your first step outside. Ice is sneaky. Then, it never fails that a neighbor, driving slowly by (because of the ice), will observe you flailing in the air, before you make your non-graceful landing. Then, of course, you slip and slide and can't get up! What a show!!!!

Spring is always wet, and the yard work is never ending. Grass can grow inches overnight.

So, I am enjoying the cool mornings and the many-colored leaves of Autumn. What a blessing!

Giving Lord. I don't think it is a coincidence that our Thanksgiving Holiday, occurs in Autumn. Thank you for giving us this time to reflect and to be truly grateful.

Sunday, October 17, 2021


 I think I will add a new item to my "Life Is Too Short For........list". 

TAKE A CHANCE.....No one likes rejection, but the opposite of rejection is recognition. You'll never know what can happen, unless you try.

I have all of the birth and death dates, that I need, in my Ancestor Search. I have spouse names and children's names, census records, and obituaries. All of this information dates back, on all sides, at least 4 generations. I've done the DNA thing, and visited the hometown library for more data. Thankfully, I've had assistance from an old friend and various relatives. 

Now, I am leaping out onto the Internet, to ask some "story" questions. And, much to my surprise, people, on certain Historical Websites, fired back some terrific answers. People remembered the family homestead at 1029 E. 10th, the nice folks that lived there and their fish pond! Others commented on the small grocery store owned by a great aunt and uncle. They were remembered as a kind couple who sold penny candy to the local kids. One person had worked for them. Other comments included a shout out to my Pittsburg cousins, and a nice remembrance of my own father. 

I have reached out to a local business historian, and although she couldn't find the information, that I was seeking, we discovered we knew some of the same hometown people, and that connection was a real bonus to my research.

I am blessed. What a wonderful journey.

Holy Lord. We must count our blessings. Life is so very, very short. Enjoying the present, along with the past, should be our goal. Your Love endures forever.

Thursday, October 7, 2021

There you go........

 Listen up, folks! Life is too short for the following things:

  • Cheap Soap. If someone gives me a gift of nice soap, a lovely smelling candle or rich lotion, I'm going to use them, ASAP. I'm not leaving that stuff in my top dresser drawer or on a shelf. I'm worth it!
  • Being stingy with compliments. For Pete's Sake, let people know that you like them, what they did or how they look. The heck with being PC. I believe 9 out of ten people appreciate compliments. Your good comment may be a life changer. Be truthful.
  • Eating or drinking bad stuff. When forced to decide between eating something I don't like or not eating at all, I am going to choose to do without. I have enough stored fat on this old body, that I will not be starving to death, anytime soon. Be honest.
  • No hugs or shaking hands. I have seen too many people, in the last two years, suffer or die from loneliness, because of Covid protocol. Therefore, I am, from now on, going to hug people and shake their hands. (I'll wear a mask, wash my hands, and hold my breath, however, after I do it.) Show God's Love.
Okay Lord. We know we need to ask for patience and understanding. But, sometimes we just need to be bold. You have cautioned us about being "wishy washy", and we should heed Your advice. Please, guide us to be discerning, and careful in our zeal. 

Friday, October 1, 2021

Old Enough to.........................

 The most unusual thing happened to me, yesterday afternoon. 

Scott and I took a trip to the local grocery/liquor store, to pick up a few items. While perusing the vast wine area, I ran into a long-time friend, Judy, who was also shopping for wine. We made our selections, and I proceeded to the check-out counter. She continued to shop.

The clerk rang up my purchases. I pulled out my Debit Card and started to push it into the card reader. "Wait! the checker said. "I need to see your I.D."  Stunned, I must have done a double take. Actually, it was a miracle, that I didn't fall on the floor laughing. However, I recovered enough to say, "I'm seventy-five years old and you want to card me? This makes my day. It's been around 50 years since someone has asked me to prove my age!" She replied that she had to card everyone. It was a rule. 

Fumbling through my bag, I pulled out my Medicare Card, and asked her if it would do. She said, she thought so. I smiled and left. On the way to the car, I remembered my friend, who is, ten years my senior. I wondered what she thought about having to show legal proof of age, at her age?

Here's my thought for the day. OLD LADIES ROCK!

Dear Lord. We are blessed in so many ways. We thank You.

But, what if we need it?

 Attention ,all of you "half-way hoarders" out there. You know who you are. I am not the one who is judging you. I, myself, am a r...