Friday, October 1, 2021

Old Enough to.........................

 The most unusual thing happened to me, yesterday afternoon. 

Scott and I took a trip to the local grocery/liquor store, to pick up a few items. While perusing the vast wine area, I ran into a long-time friend, Judy, who was also shopping for wine. We made our selections, and I proceeded to the check-out counter. She continued to shop.

The clerk rang up my purchases. I pulled out my Debit Card and started to push it into the card reader. "Wait! the checker said. "I need to see your I.D."  Stunned, I must have done a double take. Actually, it was a miracle, that I didn't fall on the floor laughing. However, I recovered enough to say, "I'm seventy-five years old and you want to card me? This makes my day. It's been around 50 years since someone has asked me to prove my age!" She replied that she had to card everyone. It was a rule. 

Fumbling through my bag, I pulled out my Medicare Card, and asked her if it would do. She said, she thought so. I smiled and left. On the way to the car, I remembered my friend, who is, ten years my senior. I wondered what she thought about having to show legal proof of age, at her age?

Here's my thought for the day. OLD LADIES ROCK!

Dear Lord. We are blessed in so many ways. We thank You.

1 comment:

Karen said...

Love you,

But, what if we need it?

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