Thursday, October 7, 2021

There you go........

 Listen up, folks! Life is too short for the following things:

  • Cheap Soap. If someone gives me a gift of nice soap, a lovely smelling candle or rich lotion, I'm going to use them, ASAP. I'm not leaving that stuff in my top dresser drawer or on a shelf. I'm worth it!
  • Being stingy with compliments. For Pete's Sake, let people know that you like them, what they did or how they look. The heck with being PC. I believe 9 out of ten people appreciate compliments. Your good comment may be a life changer. Be truthful.
  • Eating or drinking bad stuff. When forced to decide between eating something I don't like or not eating at all, I am going to choose to do without. I have enough stored fat on this old body, that I will not be starving to death, anytime soon. Be honest.
  • No hugs or shaking hands. I have seen too many people, in the last two years, suffer or die from loneliness, because of Covid protocol. Therefore, I am, from now on, going to hug people and shake their hands. (I'll wear a mask, wash my hands, and hold my breath, however, after I do it.) Show God's Love.
Okay Lord. We know we need to ask for patience and understanding. But, sometimes we just need to be bold. You have cautioned us about being "wishy washy", and we should heed Your advice. Please, guide us to be discerning, and careful in our zeal. 

1 comment:

Karen said...

Many Thanks for saying it ALL!
Love you,

But, what if we need it?

 Attention ,all of you "half-way hoarders" out there. You know who you are. I am not the one who is judging you. I, myself, am a r...