Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Cooling Off.....

October and November are my favorite months of the year. By October 1st, our home is festive with ceramic and crocheted pumpkins, fall leaves and happy witches. Autumn is my happy time.

I enjoy the weather in these autumn months. Summers in Kansas City, can be brutal. The heat and humidity, in July-August, can take your take your breath away and fog up a person's glasses. We don't have ocean breezes. Actually, I don't think we have any time of breezes, in Summer.  And, I hate to sweat. My mother used to say, "a lady never sweats, she glows". Phooey!

Our coldest month, in the mid-Midwest, is January. We don't have snowfalls that last weeks and weeks, but we do have our share of ice storms. If you can make it through January, without a serious slip and tumble, then you can start to count your blessings. Going down, on ice, can cause a sprain or a broken bone, but most often it just causes embarrassment. Slips usually occur on your first step outside. Ice is sneaky. Then, it never fails that a neighbor, driving slowly by (because of the ice), will observe you flailing in the air, before you make your non-graceful landing. Then, of course, you slip and slide and can't get up! What a show!!!!

Spring is always wet, and the yard work is never ending. Grass can grow inches overnight.

So, I am enjoying the cool mornings and the many-colored leaves of Autumn. What a blessing!

Giving Lord. I don't think it is a coincidence that our Thanksgiving Holiday, occurs in Autumn. Thank you for giving us this time to reflect and to be truly grateful.

1 comment:

Karen said...

I will always remember the beautiful fall colors that we saw in your front and side yards when we visited one October. Probably the most gorgeous that I have ever seen, including the well-publicized East Coast/Maine.

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