Monday, October 25, 2021


Popped a bag of Microwave Popcorn, for Scott last night. While putting the used bag in the trash, I happened to read a short sentence, displayed prominently on the paper. "Only Real Ingredients"'. 

Now, I'm sure that this statement was meant to reassure all snackers, that the popcorn and all flavorings were safe and sanitary. But, is "Real", the correct word? Would you ever be tempted to eat "un-Real ingredients"? What would "un-Real" ingredients be? The popcorn was "Real". The included butter was "Real". The salt was the same. So, what "un-Real" items could the manufacturer have added?  

The next time you eat a packaged item, please check to see that there are no food "spirits" or "ghosts" included. Make sure you are not inadvertently eating invisible, imaginary, or fake spices, solids or liquids. I don't know how someone could eat something that isn't real. If food isn't real, does it have calories? No pretend food for us!

Strange but true. 

Great Lord. The world is full of unexplainable items. We must remember that all good things come from God. You are our reality.

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