Wednesday, November 27, 2019

whatever happened to ................................?

It's been several years, since I have commented on the holiday of Thanksgiving. I don't know why. I am thankful for my many blessings, but perhaps like many Americans, in my rush to prepare for Christmas, I have forgotten to celebrate Thanksgiving.
Retail stores have been hawking Christmas goodies, since August. Pre-Black Friday Sales are everywhere. Most big box stores and web sites went directly from Halloween to Christmas, skipping Thanksgiving. altogether.
I have resisted putting away my ceramic pumpkins and artificial fall leaves. I refuse to do it until the weekend after Turkey Day. But, the pressure is there. Will I be able to meet all of my self-imposed deadlines? Will everything get done on time? Shouldn't I just do a couple of things to get a jump on the Big Holiday? Talk about stress!
We have been instructed to Give Thanks for Everything. A thankful heart will keep your mind in the positive, and draw your thoughts away from what has happened and what might happen. A thankful heart will keep you in the present.

Dear Lord, we come to you with a thankful heart. We will remember to forever make a joyful noise.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

No Treasure

My blogging history spans almost 10 years, now. And, except for some of my favorite clothing, and my family, very few items, remaining in my life. are a decade old or older. When I traded in my 20 year old Grandpa-Car, for the newish red SUV, my life journey started down a distinctly different highway. I vowed to make a change.
Each and every day, according to my plan, I am trying to relocate five items. The relocation sites are, in order of preference, a thrift store, the recycling or the trash. I am de-cluttering my life.
This has become important, because every day, I observe many older folks who just can't seem to let go of "stuff". If it takes you eight solid hours, to move your "stuff" into a one bedroom apartment, you have a hoarding issue!  Let it be known that your blogger friend is refusing to make the move, anywhere, with a bunch of useless "stuff"!
The papers, old books and everything have not used in 10 years, are all on their way out.  I am putting my children on notice.You don't live here anymore. Anything that you own, that is gathering dust in my closets and basement, come and get it soon, or it gets trashed.
I have decided to hang on to the oldest item in my life. Yes. I'm keeping my husband.

Dear Lord. Our Stress often comes from our Stuff. Help us to let go and focus on the important things in life. Help us to keep our eyes on the Goal. We praise your holy name.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

October snows..........oh my!

We haven't yet reached the midpoint of November, but here in Kansas City, we have already counted three measurable snowfalls. Having such cold weather, far before Thanksgiving, is extremely unusual.  Thanksgiving is often a day of outdoor activities, like long, after-dinner walks and flag football games.  Not this year. Unless we have a warm up, we will probably go sledding, after the turkey and pumpkin pie!
Most of us, in the Midwest, appreciate the change of seasons. And, if we don't, the continuously changing weather, gives us a whole lot to to talk about.  And, it gives us the chance to voice every possible complaint.
"Right Here in River City", we believe that complaining about any type of weather, makes a person feel better.  Each of us knows, that we cannot do anything about the weather (well, that's what most  folks believe). I know that I cannot change the weather.
And, we also do a lot of worrying about the weather. Will it really snow? How much will we get? What if it gets icy? Again, as with all worrying, it is a total waste of time. Worry doesn't change anything....ever.
Unfortunately, we've all become very good at complaining and worrying. When will we learn?

Dear All Knowing and All Powerful Lord. When will we learn that You are in charge? Teach us patience, peace and self-control.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Steve Knows

I'm sure you all have noticed that it's that Pumpkin Pie Spice time of year. The leaves are turning to gold and yellow, Halloween decorations are being stashed away, and grandma is starting to stock up on cans of green beans and cream of mushroom soup. Unlike the old days, when the only thing that had Pumpkin Pie Spice, as an ingredient, was pumpkin pie, you are now able to  now find EVERYTHING flavored with those pungent holiday spices.
For the culinary challenged, Pumpkin Pie Spice is a mixture of  ground cinnamon, ginger, clove and nutmeg. And, that mixture makes a tasty, spicy custard pie. But, Frosted Flakes, waffles, cinnamon rolls, chili, pork tacos and pretzels? Ooooh, not for me. My taste buds find that all those other advertised, seasonal items are way too much.
Pumpkin pie, as I recall was a staple in our high school cafeteria. And, we will never forget our classmate, Steve, who ate his pumpkin pie, in horizontal layers, while everyone else attacked it vertically, beginning with the point side.
So, young folks (As I age, I have a tendency to blame all nonsense on the young), there is nothing WOKE, PC or clever about all this spicy nonsense. Just get your PP Spice fix with the original recipe! You can't top perfection.......unless, it's with whipped cream.

Dear God, you have to have a marvelous sense of humor. It's no wonder that the words human and humor are so similar. Watch over us and keep us safe, despite our foibles. You are our Rock and our Savior.

But, what if we need it?

 Attention ,all of you "half-way hoarders" out there. You know who you are. I am not the one who is judging you. I, myself, am a r...