Sunday, December 8, 2024

"Is it Mary or Sue?"

 I had occasion to think about names this week. Let me start by telling you that my given name is Nancy. Ann. Doing a bit of research, Nancy is a derivative of Ann. So I guess my name is really Nancy Nancy. Nancy is a common name, just about everywhere in the world. Five towns in the USA, are named Nancy. Nancy is a sizable city in France. I once had a Sudanese lady, burst into a song, for me, about "Nancy." From the smile on her face, it might have had some rather risque Sudanese lyrics.

As parents, we all spent a considerable amount of time choosing names for our offspring. We chose good solid names, strong names and often chose to reuse the names of cherished relatives, to honor them. But, in reality, why did we bother? Only one, of my four children, chose to use the name that I called him, as a little one!

Owing to my experience as an elementary school teacher, I cautioned my "Fabulous Four" to please choose names, for your children, that will not encourage playground trouble. Fancy Nancy was pretty annoying, you know.  And don't, I added, make their names so long that they won't fit on one line of a Big Chief Tablet. No 6 year old wants to miss recess, because he can't finish printing his name. My children chose to ignore my suggestions, of course. 

Have you ever read the full name of some of the current Royals? They all have 4 or 5 given names. Why? Prince William is really William Arthur Philip Louis. And I think that his last name currantly Windsor, but it used to be Mountbatten, and before that Saxe-Coburg-Gotha. Can you imagine yelling, "William Arthur Philip Louis, go wash your hands!" ? Seriously.

To quote William Shakespeare (did he go by Willy or Bill?), "What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet." And, we've all heard the line.... "You can call me anything, just don't call me late for dinner."

Call me Crazy, if you must. Actually, Crazy kind of fits with my surname. A mild sort of alliteration, don't you think. I think I'll change my name to Krazy K. Kincaid.


Dear God. You are known by many names. Right now, in our hearts, you are a little baby, coming to us soon, to save the world. We are honored by your Holy Name.

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