Tuesday, December 17, 2024


 The lively opening number of a popular musical, is the song, "Tradition". Holiday time is when many of us rely on the steadfastness of traditions. Not a day, or maybe even hour goes by, between Thanksgiving and New Years, when we fail to use the words....... "but, we've always done it that way." 

Traditions don't have to be reasonable, or make any sense at all. Some folks open gifts on Christmas Eve, while other families open their gifts on Christmas Morning. I knew of one family that started "gifting" early on the 25th, and kept at it all day long! They opened a gift or two, ate, opened some more, ate again, took naps, watched TV, ate, opened more gifts, and on and on........

Traditions are what give us continuity, from generation to generation. Familiarity helps us to cope with the cares and challenges of every day life. It's okay. Traditionally, Italian-Americans prepare a Feast of 7 Fishes, for dinner on Christmas Eve. That sounds tasty. In my hometown, crispy waffles cookies, called Pizzelles, were a great traditional holiday treat. And, depending upon the family's ethnicity, they were flavored with either anise or whiskey. 

My mother always gifted her children, with underwear, at Christmas. It was not a very exciting tradition. I never remember exclaiming, "Wow! Underpants, thanks so much, mom!" We were kids. We always got much needed, not wanted, new underwear.

In most families, the decorated tree occupies the same place, every year. These days, it's likely to be an artificial one, that comes out of a box, but it continues to be standing in the sames corner or in front of the same window, year after year. All the kids may be grown with kids of their own, but Santa Claus still comes to town.

Traditions, as the song says, are important. Without them our lives would be as unstable as a....... you've got it.....a "Fiddler on the Roof."


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"Her name was McGill. She called herself Lil, but everyone knew her as ............"

 I consider myself fairly techno-literate. Most senior citizens are. And, although we learned to type on a manual Smith-Corona, we are, for ...