Wednesday, December 4, 2024

"Happy Birthday"

Are you having a birthday, today? I'm not, but I have two close family members, who were born on this day.....80 some years apart. That, and it's December, when we celebrate the birth of Jesus. Those events got me thinking about birthdays, in general.

Did you know that most births, in the United States, occur in the months of August and September? Actually, someone has figured out that the most popular date, for births, is September 9th. The least number of births occur guessed it.....February 29th. 

Now, there is a fifty percent chance (at least) that if you get 23 folks together, in one spot, at least 2 people will share the same birth date....month and day. This fact makes for a clever party trick, crowd warmer or team builder. But, if you increase the number of gather-ees to 30, the stats will increase to 90 percent.

And, as I get closer and closer to yet another milestone birthday, I have considered forgetting my age, and stop counting, from now on. After all, as my mother cautioned me years ago...."A lady never divulges her weight or her age." Good advice, Dorothy Mae.

Then, there are the assumed facts about Jesus' birth. Probably not in A.D. 1. More like 4-6 A.D. Those dates are, due to historical facts, more accurate. And, the shepherds, near Bethlehem tended their flocks of sheep outdoors, only in the summer months. So, likely not cold December.

But, hey. Happy Birthday, Linnea and Happy Heavenly Birthday to her Great Grandfather, Mike. Happy Birthday Everyone.


Dear Lord. We thank you for our family and friends. Life is a blessing.


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