Thursday, July 11, 2024

"Life is just a bowl of.................."

 Summertime has arrived in the Midwest. Most days, the temperature has been in the 90s, and for a change this year, our evening temps have been much lower than usual. We have had lots of showers, at night. Our weather has been pretty close to perfect, for July. 

The corn planted in the surrounding suburban fields "Is as high as an elephant's eye" and today, I am not above bragging on our tomato crop. Being a first time raised-bed gardener, there really were no expectations. We had no idea what or if the plants would produce. I purchased four plants, and put them in the dirt, in early May. By mid June, there were tons of yellow blossoms on the plants, and I was surprised that none of them had died. My companion added a wood trellis to the "garden" and things were looking pretty good.

Now, in mid July, we are eating tomatoes. We have several dozen grape-shaped beauties just beginning to turn red, and last night we had sliced tomatoes with our BBQed ribs. Fresh tomatoes, ripened in the sun, have a taste like nothing else on the planet. Sheer ambrosia.

It looks like we will have a bumper crop, maybe too many for 2 folks to consume. Need some fresh tomatoes? Just drop by with a bag or basket. We'll share.


Dear Lord. Thank you for the abundance in our lives. We are blessed.

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