Saturday, June 22, 2024


 Well, the truth is, I haven't been to a "brick and mortar" Department Store, let alone a Mall (if there are any left?), in a couple of years. It's not that I think Macy's and JC Penney's will actually miss me. Some of my clothes date back to the last century! I'm not exactly a compulsive buyer or a shopaholic. But, I have noticed that they are closing quite a few of their stores. Like Sears, Wards and K-Mart, they may be also toast, before long. 

Oh, I'm still buying stuff. But, like a great number of Americans (I can't speak for Brits or Italians), I am buying my stuff on line. Amazon is indeed Amaz-ing. Why, would I drive to the store, locate a place to park, WALK in, buy something, and drive home? 

I prefer to sit with my computer, or phone and click a few buttons. It's almost too easy. And, my purchases are usually right at my door, the next day! Alexa, who is, I think, the cute girl cousin of Amazon, is a big help in this new retail process. I just ask her, "Alexa, where's my stuff?" And she tells me where in the delivery process my items are. 

Retail is not what it used to be. I do feel a bit sorry for the owners, or in the case of the big chains, the investors. I sincerely hope they have planned for the future. Because, nothing remains the same, dear readers. Some of us can remember neighborhood grocers, front door milk delivery and doctors making house calls. And, gasoline at 25 cents a gallon, pumped by an attendant who also wiped your windshield and checked your oil!

Life goes on. It's survival of the fittest, or maybe those with the quickest fingers, win. Change is inevitable, and for the most part, an improvement.


Lord, we are your servants. Keep us mindful of all of Your children. We ask for patience and endurance.


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But, what if we need it?

 Attention ,all of you "half-way hoarders" out there. You know who you are. I am not the one who is judging you. I, myself, am a r...