Friday, June 14, 2024

"Ain't it funny, how time slips away?"

 Like clockwork, my Alumni Magazine, from the of University Kansas arrives in the mail. This magazine reports similar news, in each edition. The Kansas Basketball Team, depending on the time of year, generally gets most of the print and glory. Well, you know, they are always in the top ten schools, at winning. Their recruiting news, number of games won and who is getting drafted into the NBA, is big news, to most folks. Hooray for the Jayhawks!  

The campus is growing and changing. KU is building a new Football Stadium. Apparently, our Football Team, relatively unnoticed and unremarkable for decades, has been winning a few games. Win a game or three and build a new multi-million dollar ball yard. Makes sense, I guess.

Rhodes Scholars and graduates doing important scientific things are always featured. And, there are ads for the Alumni Association and a few Lawrence businesses. Then, there are the obituaries and notices of recently deceased alumni. In the most recent issue, there were 53 names and obits listed, for the decade in which I graduated. I read all of them, but didn't remember knowing any of the folks listed. KU was and still is, a large institution.

The last feature, of the Alumni Magazine, is a "by-year" description of recent achievements attributed to notable alums. In this section there were a mere 4 items listed, for my decade. The achievements were mostly retirement announcements! 

We the graduates of the 60s, folks, are toast! We've been there and we've done that! We have the Tee Shirts and the scars to prove it. Now, most of us are relaxing and enjoying our remaining years. Oh yeah, we have travel plans and travel experiences still on our bucket lists. We continue to "go on ticking", but we are past our "for best results, use by this date....." notice. And yet,........there are a couple of senior citizens, well past 65, who still think they are capable of running for and holding the highest office in this country. Why?? What are the odds that either one of them is going to make it through one term? Seriously, do either of them remember what day it is, or even care? Experience is one thing......"Depends" and walkers are reality.


Dear Lord. We all need reminders of our limitations. Sometimes, however, we also need a hint about letting go and letting the younger folks take over.  You are our strength and constant. Guide us as we age.

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