Saturday, June 1, 2024

Time for a RE-UNION

One of my favorite Blog Themes has forever been "the benefits of growing up in a small town, during the 1950s and 60s". Small towns are known for many things, but one of the best just might be having bunch of high school classmates, that have remained close and in touch, for 60 years.

This week, we will be traveling a short distance to our home town. Almost, without exception, our high school class has met for some type of gathering, regularly, for 6 decades. Yep. This weekend will be the 60th Year REUNION of the Pittsburg High Purple Dragons, Class of 1964.

I know that I will have a wonderful time, I always do. After all of these years, it will be a gathering of true friends. Many of us have known each other, since we were 4 or 5 years old. We saw each other sporting those bulky letter jackets and pony tails from the 1960s. We screamed over the Beatles and swooned over Pat Boone. Cried over the death of a President. Then, in a couple of years, we watched our boyfriends go to Viet Nam and our girlfriends have babies.

The "Jocks" and the girls, with the perfect "flip hair- dos", are grandparents or great grandparents, now. We are all Seniors, again. The playing field has evened and we will be happy to greet and talk to everyone who appears at the door. We might notice some canes and maybe a wheelchair or two. Several of our classmates have passed on, since our last get-together. But, we'll imagine that we really haven't changed that much!

We are all experiencing the same aches, pains and geriatric illnesses, so those will not be the topic of conversation this weekend. People will do a lot of remembering. Football games, the cute guys over in the shop, dragging the gut and the White Grill. We'll remember summers at the Lincoln Park Pool and  swimming in the Strip Pits. Good times. 


Lord: You are our constant. Thank You for always being there. Thank You for the memories. We are Blessed.

1 comment:

Karen said...

It's hard to imagine my LITTLE sister is off to a 60 year RE-Union! It's seems like yesterday when you were that cute little kid preparing for Kindergarten! Have a WONDERFUL time and Celebrate the Memories. God Bless the Class of 1964!

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