Monday, July 3, 2023

Bigger Than a Breadbox

SPOILER ALERT!!!! This blog is in two semi connected parts.

#1. Last Wednesday, whilst driving through my "hilly" neighborhood, I came to a stop at the bottom of my street. Across the intersection was a box truck, going slowly up the next hill. The back of the truck was open and, oh my, about a half dozen ginormous, wheeled recycling carts were being dumped out, mistakenly, onto the street. Some of the carts kept rolling and eventually made it across the intersection, coming to a stop in front of me. Others just fell over and lay dead on their yellow plastic sides. The driver eventually stopped, got out of the truck and rounded up the escaped carts,

I was highly amused. It was terribly funny.

#2. Saturday evening, I pulled into my driveway and found one of those same, or maybe their cousin cart, in a similar prone position, in front of my garage. I smiled, shut off my car, got out and attempted to right the thing and pull or push it out of my way. I wanted to drive the car into the garage for the night. OMG the thing was huge, heavy, bulky and definitely not rolling anywhere by itself. I managed to get it upright and rolled safely in front of the empty side of my garage. This monstrosity is not going to be a helpful addition to my single-life, weekly trash routine. 

My smile is fading. I am not amused, at all.


Lord. Life is crazy hard, sometimes. There are days when it is difficult to be positive. A trash bin larger than me, is going to be hard to deal with. I know I will manage it eventually, because You will be with me, no matter what my struggles. But, I'm asking, why is life sometimes harder than it needs to be? Give me strength and grant me the wisdom to make good choices.


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