Sunday, June 25, 2023

"Judge Not, ..........."

 As it happened, I recently caught myself in a really poor choice of grammar usage. (I thought about using the word grammarage, but you would know that I made it up.) Well, in describing something that everyone once did, I used the word "useta". As in, "Remember when we "useta do that." OMGoodness, I said to anyone who was listening. Did you hear what I just said? Well, I was aghast!

Fast forward to today. A very nice, older woman was telling me how her grandfather was in the Calvary in WWI. She talked for quite a length of time about a photograph, that she had in her possession, of the fine horse that her grandfather rode in the Calvary. 

Now, had it not been for my recent faux pas, I might have attempted to correct the woman with some snide remark about her grandfather's service in the Holy Land, during the war, on Mt. Calvary. Oh, how I wanted to. But, I didn't. I kept my mouth shut and nodded to express my interest in her story. 

Lesson learned. No one is perfect. Not even a charter member of the North Kansas City Grammar Police.


Great Lord. Patience is a virtue. So is silence. Please, help us to concentrate on the virtues, of a life well lived. Guide us all down the right path. Remind us (especially me) that Silence is truly Golden.

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But, what if we need it?

 Attention ,all of you "half-way hoarders" out there. You know who you are. I am not the one who is judging you. I, myself, am a r...