Monday, June 19, 2023

"They grow in caves underneath the ground."

About 70 years ago, my well-meaning parents took me on a tour through Marvel Cave, in Branson, Missouri. I remember the circumstances, clearly. It was hot and I was scared to death. That tour, nearly three quarters of a century ago, began with at least 4 million stairs down into a dark, cold, wet hole in the ground. I remember going down the stairs and after that, I don't remember anything, because I think I was crying hysterically! 

So, my traveling companion, who has been exploring and photographing caves, for years. says, "Come with me on a guided tour of an underground laboratory, in June." I asked if it were safe, and when the answer was yes, I agreed to go. This lab, dear readers, is a cave. 

Truthfully, I knew it was a cave, when I agreed to go. I also knew that we were going to be camping overnight, at the cave site. Now, I have camped more recently than 1952, I just haven't camped, in this century!

I went. I survived and I mostly enjoyed the experience. My companion made sure that I was thoroughly prepared. I wore a caver helmet, complete with a powerful headlamp. Once I figured out how to walk without staggering under the weight of the "hat", I was quite comfortable. And, only when I asked another explorer, near me, if there were any stairs involved at this cave, did my enthusiasm waver. That person, who was directly behind me said, "Some. Maybe just a few more than Marvel Cave."

I did not fall, nor did I get trapped underground in a tiny space. I made it in and out and I am even considering trying spelunking, again. New experiences or even re-visiting old experiences are adventures and growth. I intend to run toward new adventures, for as long as I can.

Gracious God. Open our hearts so that we may feel your constant presence. You are always with us. You are our Shield and our Protector.

1 comment:

Karen said...

You were SO BRAVE! Proud of you!
Love, YMOS


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