Saturday, June 10, 2023

"Let Them Eat Cake"

On a recent trip back to my hometown, I was reminded that memories are sweet. However, sweet memories, of good food, can sometimes leave a bad taste in your mouth.

One of the special treats of my childhood was taking a trip to a local bakery. Now, this was a classic, old-world type of place, complete with an authentic brick oven. This bakery was known for their Italian bread, which had extra crispy crust and soft white insides. And, they had the best breadsticks. These breadsticks were hard, crispy long fat wads of rolled dough. The baker gave them free, one apiece, to kids who came into the bakery with an adult customer. On a lucky day, they were warm, right out of that brick oven.

Well, for 70 years, I've treasured memories of those crunchy bread sticks. Nothing I have eaten, in 49 states (I haven't been to Hawaii) and several foreign countries has ever come close, to the ones I remembered eating as a child. 

Now, just recently, I was told that you could purchase those same cherished bread sticks, at one of the grocery stores, back in my hometown. Well, I sure as shootin' filed that away in my  "Gotta do that, ASAP" Bucket List. This week, while visiting my hometown, I stopped at the suggested store, and purchased 2 bags of the cherished bread sticks.

Yes, they looked just like I remembered them. But, alas. They weren't really very tasty. My traveling companion, likened them to burnt toast. Well, I wouldn't quite go quite that far....just maybe stale toast. Could the reason be, that I didn't have a stick of Oleo to spread on it? Maybe, my taste buds are a bit more refined then they were, at age 5 or 6? Anyway, this was one time that the memories are far sweeter than the actual present-day thing!


Dear Lord, we remember many things. As we look back on the good memories, help us remember the blessings and gifts that we have been given. Show us how to be thankful and non-judging. Remind us to do our best and to love one another.

1 comment:

Karen said...

Noticed that you "protected" their revered name! Sorry you were disappointed!

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