Wednesday, May 10, 2023


 All of us, by now, should be familiar with those "use by dates" that are located on food or cosmetic items, from the store. And we know that the point of those dates, is to keep us safe. By safe, I mean I have always believed that by reading and heeding those dates, one could avoid possible illness or maybe even death. 

I've never really known anyone who drank expired milk, willingly. I mean, who would? It's nasty. And, our mothers, who managed to raise families, without those "use by" clues, normally relied on their sense of smell to figure out when food went bad. Oh, and if food turns an odd color or by chance gets fuzzy....pitch it. I have always lived by the motto, "When it doubt, throw it out."

To illustrate those warnings, I recall a story, passed on several years ago, about a couple who hoarded canned goods and eventually some cans exploded in their kitchen cabinets. I think it was 10 year-old green beans.

But, only recently, I witnessed another food storage lesson. Don't mess with tomato paste! I mean, how much of a threat, to life and limb, can a itty bitty can of red stuff cause? Trust me when I warn you, opening a can of only "barely" expired tomato paste, creates a disaster. A simple slit, will precede an loud explosion, splattering, the contents of that tiny can in all six directions (I'm including ceiling and floor, folks)! And tomato paste, red dye and all, will make a giant mess. It stains everything it hits, almost immediately. Red sticky goo will be visible everywhere, within 10 feet of the miniature bomb!!!!

So, buy those cans. Use them as soon as possible. Throw out expired stuff, and enjoy your life, for much longer, than the "use by" date on the can!


Oh Lord. Sometimes we make the biggest mess out of our lives. And we do it, even when we are warned. Watch over us and increase our wisdom.

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But, what if we need it?

 Attention ,all of you "half-way hoarders" out there. You know who you are. I am not the one who is judging you. I, myself, am a r...