Saturday, May 20, 2023

Brand Spanking New

 My last post dealt with the old.... expired and "ya otta throw it out".....old. Well, this week, I have been amazed by the NEW.

Over the past few weeks, I have been watching the progress of a house, being built in the cul-de-sac below my home. However, I was out of town last week, on a short trip. I pulled out of my driveway about 3p.m. on Monday, and arrived back home at 6 p.m. on Thursday. When I left, my last view of the lot below was a concrete foundation. When I arrived home, a little over three days later, the house looked nearly finished! Roof, doors windows, walls, and siding all complete. Now, the inside remains empty (I think), but the entire structure is dried-in and ready for the inside details. How can that happen?

Doesn't it take more than 3 days to build a house? Maybe it's my age, but I find it nearly impossible to complete anything worth doing, in less than a week. I thought home construction was measured in months, not hours!!!!!!

Anyway, we all are apt to remark how time passes more quickly, as we age. Could this be an example of this adage? Well maybe, but I think I will just chalk it up to fast, cheap and shoddy workmanship. 

Dear Knowing God. We thank You for our many blessings. We praise Your wisdom and wonderous generosity. Help us to improve Your world.

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But, what if we need it?

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