Thursday, May 4, 2023

I Don't Think So........

Surprise folks! Apparently, I've been missing out on yet another trendy celebration. I just heard that the the first Saturday in May, is designated World Naked Gardening Day.  

I'm kind of a fan of wearing appropriate clothing. Ice and snow require non-slip footwear. Freezing temps mean heavy coats, gloves and hats, etc. Our Kansas City Summers are doable, if you wear sunscreen and a hat! You might remember that a year or so ago, I cautioned my readers about cooking, sans clothing.  I shared my Thanksgiving morning roasting experience, burned midsection and all. Never, I lectured, should you open your oven and lean in to check the browning turkey, in the nude or nearly nude. 

Gardening, should almost certainly be done, fully clothed. Early June, in Kansas City, is often too chilly to be outside without clothes. My grandmother was fond of saying, "don't set out your plants until after Mother's Day!" Then, there are the bugs. chiggers, mosquitos, ticks. I suppose a nude gardener could spray OFF, everywhere, but honestly, I prefer to spray it on my clothes and tuck my jeans into my socks. 

And, my garden has rose bushes, cacti, and let's not forget the rocks. My backyard is a scratchy, sticky health hazard, even fully dressed!!! And, then there are my neighbors. On either side of my house, to the North and the South, are two really nice gentlemen. I don't care to have either one of them see me au naturel. 

I don't plan on being home, at all, this Saturday. But, if by some chance I decide to change my plans, I'll be fully dressed, when I venture out into the yard. Put away your binoculars, there will be nothing worth viewing.                                                  ...............................................................

Dear Lord. We are silly bunch of folks. Keep us safe from our own foolish behavior. Forgive us our trespasses.


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But, what if we need it?

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