Thursday, May 25, 2023

"A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood"

 Observations in Lyrics, this week.

#1. "Make New Friends, But Keep The Old". In 1954, I went to the movies with my friend, Billy. Almost 70 years later, he still refers to me as his first girlfriend. I'm honored. That's poetic and beautiful

#2. "You're Never Too Old To Be Young". I thought I was afraid of heights. Turns out, I have just been avoiding them. So, Sunday, I rode to the top of a 23 story elevator, climbed another 44 stairs and had 360 degree birds eye view of Kansas City. Marvelous Experience.

#3. "Misty Water Color Memories" Two recent celebrity deaths, Tina Turner and Harry Belafonte. I remember seeing them both, live, in concert, in the mid 1960's. Tina was still with Ike then, and I remember that Belafonte sang in Allen Fieldhouse and the entire audience was quiet as he sang. He had a presence.

#4. "Diamonds are Forever" but air conditioners aren't. It's getting warm in Kansas City and my air conditioner isn't working. I made a call to the repair folks. Of course it's a Holiday Weekend. Maybe they can come next week. C'est la vie. 

#5. "One is Silver and the Other Gold". I attended a Memorial Service for a 103 year old friend. Hers was a beautiful example of a life well lived. Old age is not for the meek and weak. 

Dear Lord. Our lives are not perfect. You never promised that they would be. But some days are just about perfect. We cherish them. Then we have some days that just aren't so good. With Your help we make it through those. Show us how to focus on the blessings that You have given us. We praise Your Holy Name.


Saturday, May 20, 2023

Brand Spanking New

 My last post dealt with the old.... expired and "ya otta throw it out".....old. Well, this week, I have been amazed by the NEW.

Over the past few weeks, I have been watching the progress of a house, being built in the cul-de-sac below my home. However, I was out of town last week, on a short trip. I pulled out of my driveway about 3p.m. on Monday, and arrived back home at 6 p.m. on Thursday. When I left, my last view of the lot below was a concrete foundation. When I arrived home, a little over three days later, the house looked nearly finished! Roof, doors windows, walls, and siding all complete. Now, the inside remains empty (I think), but the entire structure is dried-in and ready for the inside details. How can that happen?

Doesn't it take more than 3 days to build a house? Maybe it's my age, but I find it nearly impossible to complete anything worth doing, in less than a week. I thought home construction was measured in months, not hours!!!!!!

Anyway, we all are apt to remark how time passes more quickly, as we age. Could this be an example of this adage? Well maybe, but I think I will just chalk it up to fast, cheap and shoddy workmanship. 

Dear Knowing God. We thank You for our many blessings. We praise Your wisdom and wonderous generosity. Help us to improve Your world.

Wednesday, May 10, 2023


 All of us, by now, should be familiar with those "use by dates" that are located on food or cosmetic items, from the store. And we know that the point of those dates, is to keep us safe. By safe, I mean I have always believed that by reading and heeding those dates, one could avoid possible illness or maybe even death. 

I've never really known anyone who drank expired milk, willingly. I mean, who would? It's nasty. And, our mothers, who managed to raise families, without those "use by" clues, normally relied on their sense of smell to figure out when food went bad. Oh, and if food turns an odd color or by chance gets fuzzy....pitch it. I have always lived by the motto, "When it doubt, throw it out."

To illustrate those warnings, I recall a story, passed on several years ago, about a couple who hoarded canned goods and eventually some cans exploded in their kitchen cabinets. I think it was 10 year-old green beans.

But, only recently, I witnessed another food storage lesson. Don't mess with tomato paste! I mean, how much of a threat, to life and limb, can a itty bitty can of red stuff cause? Trust me when I warn you, opening a can of only "barely" expired tomato paste, creates a disaster. A simple slit, will precede an loud explosion, splattering, the contents of that tiny can in all six directions (I'm including ceiling and floor, folks)! And tomato paste, red dye and all, will make a giant mess. It stains everything it hits, almost immediately. Red sticky goo will be visible everywhere, within 10 feet of the miniature bomb!!!!

So, buy those cans. Use them as soon as possible. Throw out expired stuff, and enjoy your life, for much longer, than the "use by" date on the can!


Oh Lord. Sometimes we make the biggest mess out of our lives. And we do it, even when we are warned. Watch over us and increase our wisdom.

Thursday, May 4, 2023

I Don't Think So........

Surprise folks! Apparently, I've been missing out on yet another trendy celebration. I just heard that the the first Saturday in May, is designated World Naked Gardening Day.  

I'm kind of a fan of wearing appropriate clothing. Ice and snow require non-slip footwear. Freezing temps mean heavy coats, gloves and hats, etc. Our Kansas City Summers are doable, if you wear sunscreen and a hat! You might remember that a year or so ago, I cautioned my readers about cooking, sans clothing.  I shared my Thanksgiving morning roasting experience, burned midsection and all. Never, I lectured, should you open your oven and lean in to check the browning turkey, in the nude or nearly nude. 

Gardening, should almost certainly be done, fully clothed. Early June, in Kansas City, is often too chilly to be outside without clothes. My grandmother was fond of saying, "don't set out your plants until after Mother's Day!" Then, there are the bugs. chiggers, mosquitos, ticks. I suppose a nude gardener could spray OFF, everywhere, but honestly, I prefer to spray it on my clothes and tuck my jeans into my socks. 

And, my garden has rose bushes, cacti, and let's not forget the rocks. My backyard is a scratchy, sticky health hazard, even fully dressed!!! And, then there are my neighbors. On either side of my house, to the North and the South, are two really nice gentlemen. I don't care to have either one of them see me au naturel. 

I don't plan on being home, at all, this Saturday. But, if by some chance I decide to change my plans, I'll be fully dressed, when I venture out into the yard. Put away your binoculars, there will be nothing worth viewing.                                                  ...............................................................

Dear Lord. We are silly bunch of folks. Keep us safe from our own foolish behavior. Forgive us our trespasses.


Monday, May 1, 2023

Giving and Receiving

 My in-laws were notorious for giving presents, with strings attached. Not pull-toys or hay bales, but presents which, once accepted, you had to do something else, in order to use them. Like the curio cabinet command. I think the present was actually, $200 to buy a piece of furniture (which was meant to hold my mother-in-law's antique crystal). It took $500 ($300 more, of my own), and I had a cabinet, that I could live with. BTW,  we have used that crystal twice, in the past 35 years. A similar monetary gift, was meant for a new recliner, which was supposed to go in our living room. It went in the downstairs family room, much to my mother-in-law's displeasure! There were several other gifts like that, and although I do not want to seem ungrateful, those well-meaning gifts were an expensive pain, in the you-know-what!

So, let's hope I am not guilty, of the above mentioned, type of gift giving. Just giving, for no reason or no reward at all. That's what I love doing. Last night, I gave away crocheted poppy pins, to friends, who drove me downtown, to see the Liberty Memorial, lit up like a giant bunch of poppies. Then, this morning, after church, I gifted a young lady with one of my crocheted basket/purses. That's the third bag, this week, I've given away. I've made thousands, of crocheted things, and I just give them away. However, soon everyone I know, will have a crocheted bag, and/or a poppy pin. Then, I will have do find another something, to give away!

I've been told all my life that giving, is better than receiving. Maybe, that's true or maybe, it's not. I have been given some wonderful gifts. What I do know is that the joy, I receive, from giving things away (especially things, I have made) with no strings attached, is my greatest pleasure.

Let me know if you want one of my bags. I try to keep a few on hand, to just give away!

Dear Lord, keep me humble. Show me how to bring joy to others. Keep me aware of who I am and whose I am. I ask these things in your Holy Name.

"Her name was McGill. She called herself Lil, but everyone knew her as ............"

 I consider myself fairly techno-literate. Most senior citizens are. And, although we learned to type on a manual Smith-Corona, we are, for ...