Sunday, December 18, 2022


 I'm not a numbers person. Now, I can count, add, subtract and multiply. I can also divide and cypher the median, mean and average. However, I was never any good at word problems. I didn't care when or where, the two trains, traveling at different speeds, actually meet. I wanted to know what happened to the people who were riding, in the trains, at the point of collision. Did they survive? Did someone record their reactions to the crash? What was the real story?

Numbers. Well, we've got a pretty good football team in Kansas City. So far, this season, their won-loss record is 11 wins and three losses. The team, as a whole, has a ton of statistics.  One player, named Kelce, must pay a fellow, who does nothing but assign numbers to his biography. I mean, you look him up and you can see that in 2022 alone, you can find out his number of receptions, receiving yards, average yards per reception, longest reception, reception yards, and rushing yards. Now, he has been playing a few years, so you can also see the same stats, for his entire career.

The Government has a lot of statistics, too. Available on the net, you can find data for National Gun Violence, Spending, Crime, Energy, Poverty, Immigration and Employment. The same goes for each of the 50 states, and territories. Then, individual communities have their sets of statistics, too.

That a whole lot of numbers, folks. I once heard a famous third baseman brag about his Sa-tis-tics. Bless his heart, he knew he had them, and probably knew what the numbers were, but he couldn't pronounce the word. 

So, are you a "number person", or are you a "word person"? Maybe you are blessed to be both. My number this year is 52. I have written 52 blog posts, in 2022. My statistical average, for the last 14 years is 46.29 posts. I guess, I am above average this year. That's about all I can hope for. I'm actually proud of my achievement.

Gracious and All Knowing God, you know all that there is to know. We are your humble followers, always seeking to learn more. Sometimes we need reminding that You are number ONE.

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Cookies and Cards

 Christmastime reminds us of tradition. Christmas Cards, baking lots of homemade goodies, and going home for the holidays. But, when your life is suddenly changed, it's okay, to alter a few, tried and true traditions. Adaptation is a fine way to cope.

#1. Like the Grinch, who for 53 years, put up with Whoville's Noisy Celebration, the Kincaids, for 56 years, sent out Christmas Cards. Let me state that differently. I bought and addressed the cards.  Because, Scott felt that everyone in the family (not the dog) had to sign the cards, the number of signatures varied over the years. Most years, I nearly had to beat the children, in order to make them hand-sign every card. I can't help but think, that the reason all four of them were so eager to leave the nest, was leaving home meant they would never have to sign another Christmas Card.  After I got Scott to sign them, which was only slightly less difficult, I took the cards to the Post Office and mailed them. 

Bottom line....., no cards this year. Yep, consider this your card. I don't love or treasure any of you any less, I'm just choosing to say "Merry Christmas" in another way.

#2. My Christmas baking has, for years, consisted of those, oh so difficult to make, Rice Krispie Treats, other no-bake desserts, and plastic wrapped candy canes. This year, I baked 6 plus dozen Pizzelle cookies. Pizzelle's are a tradition in my hometown, and I've always loved them. So, when I snagged an iron from a friend (too much work for her, she said) I proceeded to bake my own Pizzelles. Well, one batch took me a couple of hours, and I had dough from one end of the kitchen to the other, but I just sang Carols, at the top of my lungs and had the best time. I think, I will do another batch before Christmas!! That is, if I can afford another dozen eggs. 

#3. My four Christmas Trees are still in their boxes, in the closet. I decorated, of course, using a dozen Santas, tinsel, candles and elves, but no trees. I think it looks very festive, and I won't have to dismantle the durn things, by myself!

#4. I will not be singing, "I'll Be Home for Christmas", because I won't be. I'll be off to far-away places. My bags are already packed. I'll leave, just as soon as I make sure to have paid all of my yearly bills. New Traditions!

Dear Lord. It will be a simple Christmas. I'm going to celebrate Your coming, in a new, less traditional manner. But, the stable is still there, the shepherds can see the star, and the angels continue to sing. The meaning of Christmas stays the same. We are blessed by Your Coming.

Thursday, December 8, 2022

"Oh by gosh by golly, It's time for mistletoe and holly."

Holiday Music, provided to us, nonstop, between Thanksgiving and New Year's, is becoming increasingly annoying to many folks. You know, it's piped into all the retail stores, and it's everywhere, on your car radio. It's at the airport, and where I do my volunteer work. However, MOI, aka: "Santa Baby", proud possessor of the, "lyrics-memory-of-all-times", actually likes it. I mean, since I've memorized, word for word, at least the first two stanzas of every Christmas Carol and Jingle Bell lyric, known to the English Speaking World, I think this music barrage is great. After all,  "It's the most wonderful time of the year." 

Now, I'm not bragging. Well, maybe I am, but in all honesty, I do have a talent for remembering lyrics. But, I'm wise enough to realize, that my gift isn't what you might call amazing, or outstanding or even the least little bit marketable. It's just something I do.

I love almost every Christmas tune. I will sing right along with Bing Crosby and Mel Torme. I can do Burl Ives and Gene Autry, too. And, actually McCartney's "Simply Having a Wonderful Christmas Time" and that, perfectly awful, "All I Want for Christmas Is You", are both only the slightest bit mind numbing....because, however bad they are.....I can still sing along because, I know the lyrics, of course!

This morning, I was doing my best version of "I Want a Hippopotomus for Christmas", when my 10 year old granddaughter, just looked at me and shook her head. What, do you think she will be telling her grandchildren, 50 years from now, about her crazy old grandma? She'll probably wish that "Grandma got run over by a Reindeer." 

Well, there you go, I thought, as I began to sing "Feliz Navidad", in my finest Spanish! Let it be said, that I am doing my best to get with the Spirit of Christmas. 

Dear Lord. Faith in You, is the real reason for the season. However we sing it, we glorify Your Holy Name.

Thursday, December 1, 2022

"Jolly Old St. Nicholas......"

 "It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas" and of course my shopping isn't anywhere near finished. But, I have been doing a lot of thinking about shopping. THINKING, is the key word, here.

I didn't leave the house on Black Friday. I've always been slightly offended by the name, given to the madness of sales and excessive buying! And, I missed out on ordering anything on Cyber Monday, so no packages arrived on Porch Pirate Tuesday. Oh, I'll get around to buying a few things, but "slow and easy", kind of like Bing singing "White Christmas". Soft and slidy, will be my melody, this year.

Christmas Shopping brings to mind lots of great memories. The lighted Christmas Decorations strung across Broadway, down several blocks of stores, are a great memory, of my little home town.  Most of my childhood shopping was done at Kresses and Woolworth's, because they had the best stuff, within my budget!

Shopping in downtown Kansas City, was pretty amazing, too. The Jones Store and Harzfelds were my favorites and the city always erected huge crowns over the intersections, in the shopping area. But, as far as decorations go, the Plaza Lights, have always been spectacular. As they hype incessently..... for 92 years. I understand that the stores, in the "world's first planned shopping center", are now open during and after the Thanksgiving night "lighting". This, no doubt, increases holiday sales. Years ago, we all went home after the big show, and ate leftover turkey, instead of spending money!

Bottom line, I'll be gifting homemade items again, sprinkled with a few extras. Oh yes, I know, that my friends and family already have closets full of crocheted scarves and hats, but "lean your ear this way", because whatever I give, will be packed with love and hours of attention.

"As for me my little brain, isn't very bright. Choose for me, dear Santa Claus, what you think is right."

Happy Birthday, Jesus. We will not forget that we are celebrating Your birth.

But, what if we need it?

 Attention ,all of you "half-way hoarders" out there. You know who you are. I am not the one who is judging you. I, myself, am a r...