Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Peace, Man

 My son, the musician, invited the family to a free, outdoor concert on Sunday afternoon. A man of very few words, he informed us that the concert would be held, in a park near the Art Museum. Could that be Volker Park, I queried? Many years ago, the park had been the site of Kansas City's summer-long version of Woodstock. I was remembering photos of (because, we never went down there) hundreds of "hippies" smoking you-know-what, fooling around naked, in the nearby creek and grooving on folk and rock  music. Maybe, he replied.

We are a adventurous, supportive bunch, so, we packed up a blanket and drove downtown. It was a bit of a hike to the open field, but we arrived and found a nice shady spot to sit, close enough to see and hear the band. The son, gave us a wave and we settled in, for the show. Looking around, I studied the gathering audience.

"Wow", I remarked to my adult daughter, "this certainly is a mature crowd". (In truth, I was thinking, these folks are all senior citizens...average age of about 75!) One by one, or in pairs, the crowd sauntered slowly around the field, looking for a good spot, to view the show. The footgear was predominantly Birkenstock, and I was surprised to see that quite a few of the women had fashioned their graying locks into braids! I even saw a few tie-dyed tee shirts. Odd, I thought. 

The concert ended with a Jimi Hendrix-like, version of the "Star Spangled Banner". Even odder!

Later, when we met up with our musician, I mentioned my observations. It was then, he informed us, that we had just attended the first concert, held in that park, in fifty years. Obviously, many of the attendees were back for the reunion! It was, in his word, "Historic".

Man, did I feel old.

Holy Lord. There is truly nothing new under the Sun. We keep making the same mistakes, over and over. Lead us, guide us to do Your will. Direct our peace making.

Friday, June 17, 2022

Weather or Not

 Springtime often brings severe weather, to the Midwest.

In the past week or so, the National Weather Service has issued several Weather Alerts, for the Kansas City Area. For those of you who are not living or have never lived in Tornado Alley, please note that a Tornado Warning and Tornado Watch (our two most frequent Spring alerts) are not the same thing. Here is a brief lesson in the difference.

A Tornado Watch means to be alert and aware that the weather conditions, in a certain designated area, are just right for the possibility of a tornadic disturbance. It's a call to keep an eye on the sky and be aware. Oftentimes, a Watch will be issued for a couple of hours or a whole day or night.

But, a Tornado Warning is more serious. Sirens hopefully sound, and police cars may roam your neighborhood, with lights flashing and horns blaring. It's an alert to get to the lowest spot possible and cover your head, immediately! A Tornado is coming your way, and it could be arriving, within a few minutes.

Now, I have lived in Missouri and Kansas, my whole life. I've seen a couple of twisters and I know what kind of damage they can do. I know about Watches and Warnings, but I'm living in a changed world now. I am alone, and I cannot hear! The sirens have gone off, in my neighborhood recently, and I haven't heard them. Like many audio-challenged folks, I take my hearing aids out at night and I am oblivious, to most sounds. Therefore, night time Tornados are the most deadly kind. Thankfully, although the Tornados were spotted, sailing overhead this week, they did not touch ground and I didn't see the Wicked Witch of the West! 

I am not afraid of not waking up, you understand, I just do not want to be painfully swirled around in  the air, before I cross over into eternity. Sensibility reigned, and I asked for and promptly received a weather radio, from my D.C. family. The weather radio has put my mind and body at ease. Now, thank goodness, I'm going to be able to be alerted, via a really loud and obnoxious alarm, to head for the safety of my basement.

For this lovely gift, I am truly thankful.

Dear Lord, we thank You for keeping us safe. Remind us to be watchful and ever thankful for Your many blessings.

Saturday, June 11, 2022

Opening a Door

Lest my readers start to think that I am only reporting the bizarre and unpleasant happenings, in my new life, here's a tale with a happy ending.

What does the average person know about door hinges? If you are anything like me....very little. I mean, most doors have at least two and they are used to open and close the door, to which they are attached. Hinges are the two metal things on the side of a door. 

So, to continue, the average door hinge consists of three parts. Two flanges and a pin piece that holds the two flanges together, allowing the door to swing. One flange is attached to the door frame and the other to the door, itself. The pin holds the two pieces together. Door hinges are usually mounted so that the pin is removable, from the inside of the room or house or wherever the door is located. This keeps a thief from removing the pin, taking off your door and hauling off your flat screen TV! The pin is always removed from the top, of the hinge.

So, yours truly, Mrs. Do It Herself, decided she wanted to remove a bathroom door. I had in mind  staining and adding a piece of decorative trim. After watching a couple of U Tube videos on  "How to Remove a Hinge", I discovered that antique door hinges are not featured on any existing video. I couldn't "just use screw driver and tap the safety cap off the bottom of the hinge". (Most modern door hinges don't even have bottom caps, I learned.) But, my hinges (and I am taking this personally by now) have pretty little round caps on both the bottom and the top of the pin! 

The bottom round caps would not come off the hinge! I tried prying they off and screwing them off, to no avail. In desperation, I grabbed the pliers and yanked on the pin, from the top, and TA DA, out popped the pin. That dumb little ball on the bottom was decorative. Now, we know!

Success! My son helped me rehang the door (seems like solid wood doors, aren't designed for old-lady handy persons to be toting around.) And I'm back in business.

Dear Lord. Where there is a will, there's a way. Your infinite wisdom and guidance makes all things possible. Remind us to listen to Your directions and grant us the ability to use the common sense that You have given us. We praise Your Holy Name.

Saturday, June 4, 2022

Nature Strikes Again

 Residing in a home that sits atop a river bluff, definitely has its perks. Although, I have not done any specific research, I may live, in a neighborhood, that is possibly the highest point, in the entire metropolitan area. The obvious perks are...I can see two states, from my front yard, watch the wide, Missouri River meander below and view the skylines of the two Kansas Citys. I have great seating for the occasional Air Show and holiday fireworks displays. Storms approach with frightening clarity. And, until recently,  I believed that flooding would never be an issue.

Wrong, again.

Huge downpours, have been occurring quite frequently.(California folks can stop reading, now. I am going to complain about rain.) And, our neighborhood elementary school has been undergoing extensive renovation, including the removal of the existing parking lot and driveway. Now, the school sits slightly higher than our street, and apparently, the contractor didn't realize that water normally runs downhill and silt fences need to be anchored, in order to prove effective.

So, I awoke, the other morning, with a giant, orange "ROAD CLOSED" sign, erected in my front yard. Upon further investigation, the whole school yard, or what appeared to be, is now blocking the street in front of the school.

Now, if you live on a mountain top, you instantly realize that there are limited roads up and down.. Luckily, I have two. Progress marches forward, and I am taking the long, circuitous to the finish line.

Now, there's a metaphor for you!

Dear Lord. You have never promised us a garden of roses. Life has it's obstacles, but You remain our constant. Show us the path.

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Platinum Perfection

 About once a year, or so, I get dubbed to perform as a internationally known, famous person. This year is no exception. I say perform, but because this person is instantly recognizable, all I have to do is dress like her, nod occasionally, smile and wave. It's an easy gig.

In order to perform my duties, as this famous personage, I don a curly white wig, prim hat, sensible-closed toe shoes, a vintage pink lace dress (once owned, in the 1950's by a dowdy woman, celebrating something very important) and of course, I always carry a purse. There have been times when I have worn a tiara, instead of a hat. It depends on my mood, and the particular event.

Pretending to be this auspicious person, is loads of fun. This year, I will be the honored guest at an afternoon tea, given to celebrate my character's unbelievable 70 years, working at the same job. 

As we age, my character and me, I am noticing some subtle similarities between us. We are both just over 5 feet in height. We are both widows, have four children, a bunch of grand kids, and share a wicked sense of humor. Whilst out walking, on her property one day, this famous person was asked, by tourists, if she lived in the area? She answered yes. Then they asked her if she had met the royal landowner? She replied no, but that her driver had!

Dear Lord. Thank you for giving us a sense of humor. Help us always to find the blessings of the moment. Living long and working hard is a blessing. Life is sweeter, when we smile.

But, what if we need it?

 Attention ,all of you "half-way hoarders" out there. You know who you are. I am not the one who is judging you. I, myself, am a r...