Friday, January 21, 2022

In Praise of........

Well, it's been one of those weeks. Three weeks into this new year and I'm thinking I would like to go back in time! We all know that last year was a doozy. But this year, well, it's shaping up as a possible rival!

However, in spite of many minor mishaps, I'm planning to focus on my joys. One of which is our public water system. Water flowing from the tap is a blessing. I know this, because for the majority of this week, we have been without water. Our water main, has operated without fail for the last 50 years, but three days ago, probably because of its age and the extremely cold weather, it broke or cracked. Who knows what happened, but all of a sudden, we were without water. 

From now on, we plan to have bottled water (I don't cotton to using too much plastic), stored in our fridge. Because, no coffee. No flushing, no showers, no washing hands, no hot tea, etc. No dish or clothes washer. Big deal lady, you think. Just go to the store and buy some. Not possible. Our solo car is in the shop, due to a hit and run (We weren't even in the car.) accident. No water, no car, and Scott's oxygen machine quit working yesterday. OM Golly.

But, we have electricity (heat and light), phone, and food. God is good. Life is good and it's going to get better.

Good God. We thank you for our many blessings. When time get tough, it helps to focus on the brighter side. Thank you for always be there for us. We praise your Holy Name.

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Just do the right thing!

 What's bugging you? Due to the weather, we've been spending more time "in the house", than our normal lifestyle supports. This morning, I'm overtly irritated at the mispronunciation of common English words. It seems that I am constantly hearing these errors on television. If I heard these verbal errors in person, chances are, being the old fashioned teacher that I am.....I would correct them, on the spot. 

There's a national news commentator who repeated reports, that we need to "call in the Calvary". He does not mean to call in the hill, on which Jesus died, he means to call in military forces.....the cavalry! OH MY. And, this morning I heard a sweet young thing reciting a list and ending her rale with the word "ec-cetera"! It's ET-CETERA, ma'am. Just ask Yul Brenner!!!!! I'm not even going to mention the repeated mispronunciation of the just written, three letter word, Ask. It is not and has never been "AXE" !!!!!

Dear readers, most English words are pronounced exactly as they are spelled. Just a smidgen of effort would correct all of this nonsense. But, then since we all are addicted to "spell check", who knows how to spell anything anymore? And, if you can't spell, pronunciation is definitely a problem!

So, clearly. I need a nice warm day, and a long walk.  But, even more clearly, we need to re-establish correcting grammar and spelling errors in our educational system. To heck with creativity, if what our young folks speak and write makes no sense. Errors need to be corrected.  

I have been told repeatedly by much younger folks, that my grammar and spelling quirks are not important. But, I believe that my concerns are valid. The "guys" (another genderless usage, pet peeve of mine), who tell me that I am old fashioned, are just making themselves look uneducated.

Dear Lord. You know that I need to work on my judging self. I understand "judge not, lest ye be judged". But, I sincerely believe that you want us to be doing our very best for Your children. Help me to help others. Improve my discernment. Your mercy is everlasting.

Sunday, January 9, 2022

What are you reading?????

Mysteries. When I commit the "Crime of the Century" I do not intend to get caught. Now, believe me, I do not have particular chargeable action in mind, but I'm going to know how to get the deed done, perfectly, when I do. I've read a whole bunch of stories about folks who mess up doing their stabbings, poisonings, etc.

My faves are the standard ones on most every mystery lovers list. I have read all of the published Agatha Christie's, I can find. Sometimes, I have a bit of trouble keeping all of her characters straight, but I have enjoyed them all...some several times. I like the books of P.D. James, and most recently have read her "Mistletoe" short stories. She's very clever.

I can't wait for some new Hallmark Mysteries, to hit the tube. I think I've seen all of the Hannah Swensen and Gourmet Detective shows, at least twice. I also like the Father Brown and Midsommer Murders on PBS. 

Yes, I realize you could call me bloodthirsty or maudlin, so go right ahead. My mystery habit, keeps me off the streets and out of the pokey!

Dear Lord. Life is a mystery, and I do try to enjoy whatever situation comes along. Keep my mind and body on the straight and narrow. I have so much for which to be thankful.  

Monday, January 3, 2022

Snow Days

 We've been staying inside, since our New Year's Eve snow storm. As usual, in our town, it's the ice, under the snow, that's keeping us close to home. It's best not to take chances with our older, more brittle bodies. Tomorrow we will venture out to get some of our weekly errands accomplished. I think we can get most of them done, without leaving the car.

Meanwhile, I completed a jigsaw puzzle, did the weekly laundry and now that's it's dusk, I'm watching 12 (you read that right), yes twelve young deer frolic in our back yard. They are having a great time. they're chasing one another, eating grass and just hanging out. 

After all, it's a snow day!!!!

Dear Lord. We are blessed. A little snow is a great thing.

But, what if we need it?

 Attention ,all of you "half-way hoarders" out there. You know who you are. I am not the one who is judging you. I, myself, am a r...