Wednesday, December 8, 2021

The Daily Journal

 I would like to encourage all of my followers, friends and relatives to start journaling, in the New Year.

When I was a teenager, I had a diary. But, I often found myself too busy to write in the thing. I think it had a blue plastic cover, but now that I think about it, that might have been my autograph book. Anyway, most people, at some time in their life, attempt to write about what they are doing and how they are living. That's keeping a diary or journaling.

My current journaling experience consists of two exclusive musings. One part of my journal list things that I do for or give to other people. It's not a tally of my wonderfulness. I keep the list so that I will remember to make a deliberate effort, to give to my fellow life travelers. Giving, my mother tried to teach me, is better than receiving. However, sort of to the contrary, some folks find that a journal of their daily blessings is very meaningful. Writing words of thankfulness, is valuable and humbling.

The other part of my journal is my written account of daily events. Now, you and I know that most of my days are uneventful and pretty dull, but things do happen. I try to write every day and when I miss a day or two, I go back and fill in the particulars, as I remember them. Recording events can help all of us remember, especially as we age.

Have you forgotten when you last visited the beauty salon, or had an appointment with the eye doctor? If you journal, you probably wrote it down, on or near the date it happened. Lots of information, very valuable information, will be right (pun intended) in your journal.

So, buy a cheap spiral notebook or a fancy leather bound journal. You could even use your computer. Start writing. You'll be amazed at how it will enrich your life.

Dear Lord. You are with us every moment of our lives. We do not reflect enough on our blessings, short-comings and joys. Reflection often visualizes, for us, our need to change. Show us Your way.

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