Friday, December 10, 2021

There is a reason......

 We have three, themed Christmas trees decorated, in our home. The table is set with the Christmas China and the living room mantle and all other flat surfaces, in every room, (including the baths) are decorated with holiday knickknacks.  In, other words, we love the Christmas Season, around here.

What I don't love, and never have, is baking for the holidays. I'm not a great baker. Half of every cake, I've ever baked, has ended up in the trash, because no one wants to eat it. I'm the queen of dry cakes. My children, growing up, thought that all cookies had black bottoms. I am, for sure, not just a baker, but an over-baker! 

So, my least favorite activity, of the season, are those damned cookie exchanges. I don't want to waste my time baking bad cookies. My kitchen experiments make Dr. Frankenstein's monster, look good. Blessedly, I have avoided such festivities, for many years. Surely, I reasoned, cookie exchanges are out of fashion. 

But, no such luck. Someone, somewhere, has brought them back! This year, I am invited to a cookie exchange. No excuses, I have to attend. I'll do my best and bake the requested two dozen cookies. They will taste and look awful. I can't help it. My nightmares, for the past week or so, have consisted of thousands of women grabbing handfuls of cookies, off a smorgasbord of gorgeous sweets. while my lonely plate remains untouched.

I know that I am over thinking this, but my past experiences have distorted my reasoning. I can't simply put two dozen Oreos, on a fancy plate! Keep me in your thoughts and pray for those, who unfortunately, chose my contribution.

Dear Lord. Your birthday celebration is curious, for sure. We love to celebrate the season, and wise persons know that You are the reason. Merry Christmas.


1 comment:

Karen said...

Be sure to send your Cookie Recipe to all of your bloggers...
Have a great time!
Love, Another non-Baker

But, what if we need it?

 Attention ,all of you "half-way hoarders" out there. You know who you are. I am not the one who is judging you. I, myself, am a r...