Wednesday, December 1, 2021

"Oh, There's No Place Like Home, for the Holidays."

Just when you think you might have a handle on the seasons of your life, your spouse says "I can't believe it's Wednesday, already. It came earlier than usual this week." 

I didn't have anything to say, in response. On what planet am I living?

The same spouse says, "Are you putting up the lights, on the house this year?" Now, the last time we (I) put up lights, on the house, was about 10 years ago. Those lights were the big, fat, multi-colored kind, that we bought, in the last century. They predated twinkle lights, LED lights and solar lighting. They were only one step up from candles! I don't know where they are, anymore. Plus, I am 75 years old, a bit over 5 feet tall and I am not, voluntarily, ever getting on a ladder, again! 

So, today, I bought a red light bulb and a green light bulb. I screwed them into our two porch lights. Consider our lights, hung, Mr. Claus!

Merry Christmas!

Good Lord. I love my life. Growing older is a unique experience. Thank you, Lord, for taking me there.

1 comment:

Karen said...

Merry Christmas---Love the two colored lights idea! Maybe we'll try that one, too.
Thanks for keeping these blogs coming.
Love you, Karen

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