Saturday, November 27, 2021


 I'm going to let you in on a secret. I have a good side and a bad side. No, it's not really what you think. You see, since around 2008, medically, I have had a good side and a bad side. About that time, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Subsequently, I had all of the known (at that time) treatments to combat the disease. Thankfully, I have survived, but I live with the effects of those treatments.

I favor my bad side. For quite a while, I lifted nothing heavy with my right arm. To this day, although it is my dominant arm, it's a bit weaker than my left arm. I never have shots or blood pressure taken on that arm, either. I'm a bit lop-sided. As the years go on, the differences in my sides, seem to increase.

Fast forward to the past year. A majority of Americans have had the Covid 19 Vaccines. And, most recently the booster shot. Because I have no lymph nodes on my bad side, my good side has taken all three of these treatments, and it's not happy about it. It's been nearly a week now, since the last shot, and my left arm is still hot to the touch. I've developed a rash near the injection site. It still hurts, when I move it. Similar things happened, the last two times. For the present, I have two weak sides!

Now, I am not complaining......Okay, I am!

Truly, I am extremely thankful, that I haven't had Covid 19, and I am positive that the vaccines are the reason for that. However, please note that I (and my good side) will certainly be thrilled when a good anti-viral pill gets developed. Hurry up science and help me get both of my sides working together again!

Dear Lord. I am thankful for modern medicine, and the opportunity to live a long and full life. I realize that I need to work on my patience and thankful spirit. Life is good and I am grateful.

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