Friday, November 26, 2021

History, according to Nancy

 I was introduced to a new word, this Thanksgiving Holiday.....Historiography. According to my son's apt explanation and the Net's definition, Historiography is learning and researching history through stories and particularly photographs.

That got me thinking and doing a little research myself. Photos can tell quite a bit about a person. Over the years, my hair has gone from dishwater blond (it started getting darker when I was about three or four) to very dark brown, then grey and now almost white. That's some historiography, for you.

And, how about clothing. Sometimes, I look at an old picture of me and realize that a piece of clothing I was wearing in 1990, is still in my closet and I wore it again, last week. That jacket came from the last century, it is over 30 years old and I am still wearing it. It's had a good life. It's old. I need to let it go! It needs to be pitched! Historiography, per Nancy.

My home is filled with photographs of my family, immediate and extended. They provide a rich history and a visible record of changes in the lives of people I love and care about. History in Kodachrome. 

Lord, we are blessed to be Your family. Teach us to treasure the old things, but remind us to focus our energy on the here and now. We praise Your Holy Name.

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