Thursday, November 18, 2021

It's An Open Book

It's inevitable, I guess, that as we age, certain tasks become more difficult. However, it surprises me that, suddenly, my ability to open every day items has diminished enormously!

Saturday, it was the bag, within the box of cereal. The box opened easily, but the inside bag, containing the cereal, would not be pulled apart. It was the toughest plastic, imaginable. I finally had to cut it open with scissors.

Monday, it was the top in the plastic milk jug. Seems like it used to be so easy. Just lift the little ring and pull. What good is dry cereal without milk? 

Tuesday, it was the covering on a little bitty cup of fruit cocktail. That top must have been superglued to the bottom. I finally got it off, after spilling half of the juice!

The box of rice said, "push here to open". I pushed and poked. No luck? Got out a knife and cut the thing open.

I'm hesitant to mention "child proof" lids. I try to avoid them, no matter what the cost! Bags, boxes, screw-off, pry-off, wine corks. All of them are a struggle! 

Let's consider filing a age discrimination law suit. We need repackaging, just for old folks. If this is old age, where do I hire an Assistant...........someone to just drop in every day and open my stuff? 

Dear Lord. I know I am complaining about the little stuff. Give me patience and perseverance. Keep me focused on my blessings. 

1 comment:

Karen said...

You amaze me---what you can find to write about that is interesting and fun!
What a Talent!
Your reflections at the end always make it more than a worthwhile read!
Love you,

But, what if we need it?

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