Saturday, November 6, 2021


 Several weeks ago, I embarked on what was to be a simple craft project. In my quest to find the perfect Christmas Tree Topper (I've been looking for a couple of years, with no success.), I decided to make one. Cheaper, I thought, and a unique, work of art! 

Size 10 string yarn, the old fashioned doily type, is very inexpensive. I already own crochet hooks of every size and type. Easy peesy! So, I downloaded a FREE pattern, from the internet. Voila! I was in business.  In a couple of days the base of the topper was completed. At this point, my fingers were starting to cramp up and I began to think I may need to schedule a trip to the Ophthalmologist. But, I persevered, with my goal hazily in sight.

A week later, after a trip to the craft store for 2 sheets of foam board, poster board, foam cone, rust-proof pins, duct tape and white glue, I'm realizing that this little project may come in under fifty bucks, if I'm lucky. The average store-bought Tree Topper is about $19.95! But by now, three large star-shaped doilies and the base are ready for assembly.

Another trip to the store to buy Epson Salts. I couldn't find plain old Epson Salts, however I did locate a package, scented with Eucalyptus and Spearmint. Then, following instructions, I proceeded to boil water and salts to make a stiffener. I soaked the doilies, pinned them on the forms, which I had constructed from the foam and duct tape, and waited for them to dry. In the meantime, I spent a great deal of time trying to clean up the salt dust that was on every flat surface in the house! At least, I reasoned, the house smells really nice!

Two days later, I am looking at three, dried to perfection (and hard enough to rival Odd Job's Derby),  triangular shaped doilies and a 16'' high, conical doily, and realize, that I have dried them inaccurately. The points are in the wrong places and they will not fit on the base. Egad. 

Now, I am waiting for them to dry, again, and then I will attempt to finish construction of the project.  When the topper is completed, I will feel like that famous duo, Eiffel and Bartholdi. The sky is the limit. A monument for the ages.

Dear Lord. We are truly blessed. We know that sometimes reason is not our strong suit, but because You are always there to guide and nourish us, we are safe and protected. We are thankful.

1 comment:

Karen said...

Sounds like Creative YOU! Please post a picture when completed---I can't wait to see this Treasure! Go for it, Lady!
Love you.

But, what if we need it?

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