Sunday, August 1, 2021

A few years ago......

I want to write a few words about marriages. In the past few years, I have learned a lot about "the long haul" kind of union.  I know that I am not alone, when I sometimes struggle with caring for a spouse with mobility issues. And, because I know that there are many, many good men and women in the same place as me, I forge on, and in the process, I have learned to appreciate those folks who signed on for marriage, when they and their spouses were young and healthy. 

So, here we all are. Fifty, sixty and yes, seventy years later. We're definitely not young and every one of us has some health issues. But, all those years ago we vowed "for better or for worse", and we meant it. It hasn't always been easy, but it has been worth the struggle. We are keeping on, keeping on. Because. to quote those ancient philosophers, Lennon and McCartney...."All you need is love."

Happy Anniversary and many more to Karen and Mike, Judy and Richard, Sue and Jim, Larry and Julie.

Dear Lord. We are thankful. We are blessed.


1 comment:

Karen said...

Thank you for those loving words---you said it all BEAUTIFULLY!
Where did the years go?
Love you.

But, what if we need it?

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