Saturday, July 31, 2021

Drop It

I just watched a fairly horrendous event of TV, which was also witnessed, in person, by several hundred by-standers. However, I don't think anyone really saw what was happening. To a person, they were all recording the activity, on their phones and other electronic devices. Stuff like this happens all of the time. Pictures and videos are great, but who, these days, can actually say, "I saw that. I was there. I remember when...." We are all so busy waving our phones around, trying to get the best angle, that we truly can't experience anything. Let alone be of any help!

"Dad, did you see my homerun?" "No, son, but I got a video of it." "Honey, look at the baby. She's taking her first step." "Hold it. I'll get my phone."

Riots happen. People get mugged and killed. Who intervenes? Nobody. Home runs are hit and races are won. Who sees these events? Nobody. We are all to busy trying to get a picture or video on our phones. 

What ever happened to the "live" experience, in today's world? Can you actually tell anyone your thoughts, feelings or concerns, when that "recorded" event occurred? Trust me. Life is passing us by, folks. Memories, not videos, are precious. Our memories of sights, sounds and even smells, will be in our thoughts, long after the photos are erased or lost.

Dear Lord. We are thankful for technology. It is a wonderous thing. But, it doesn't compare to Your Love and the Grace, that we have been freely given. We praise Your Holy Name.



Karen said...

Beautifully said. Thank you. I needed that!
Love you, Karen

Nancy K. said...

You are so brilliant and wonderful! Love, your Buddy.

But, what if we need it?

 Attention ,all of you "half-way hoarders" out there. You know who you are. I am not the one who is judging you. I, myself, am a r...