Wednesday, March 10, 2021


 Last night, while briskly walking through a restaurant parking lot, trying to remember where I parked my car, I looked to my left and spotted a very odd, yet familiar automobile trunk. I stepped closer and, low and behold, the car was a Chevy Corvair coupe......a 1963 model, to be exact. Parked next to it, in a row, were 4 other Corvairs, most of them of the same year, I think. How, you're asking yourself, did I know this????? Well, in the summer of 1963, my Much Older Sister (MOS) and I , along with our parents and Grandpa (in a much less cooler car), embarked on a road trip, to far off California. And, the two of us took turns driving her brand new gold, Chevy Corvair. That was our first Road Trip.

Over the years, my MOS and I have had quite a few Road Trips. They have all been memorable. On one, we left our trusty Road Atlas (that was before GPS), at the very first stop. Together, we have navigated the hazards of numerous metropolitan road mazes, including Chicago, Indianapolis, Philadelphia and D.C. 

We called these our "Thelma and Louise" trips". Along the way we sang a lot of camp songs, harmonizing and giggling. We bought funny hats and wore them. We got lost, a few times, but we always managed to get to our targeted destination and back home.

I'm ready to go again! All of this proves, without a doubt, that Sisters Are the Perfect Best Friends.

Dear Lord. Thank you for family.

1 comment:

Karen said...

I'm ready to go again...
Love you, YMOOOOOS

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