Tuesday, March 23, 2021

"Rover crossed Over"

 In this time of uncertainty and chaos, it seems like now is a good time to focus our thoughts on the things for which we are truly thankful.  Because we normally just plow through life, getting irritated when things don't go as planned, we tend to focus on what causes our road blocks and stops our progress. So, reverse that and start enjoying the blessings in our lives.

  • Isn't it great to be alive and experience the changing of the seasons? The Red bud trees are starting to bloom and the daffodils are brilliantly yellow. But, even the first snowfalls of winter , autumn colors and summer showers are beautiful!
  • Aren't grandkids wonderful? We love it, when we get to see them. They always have something new and exciting happening to them and they can't wait to share with us. 
  • Taking a ride or walk, through new or even old territory, is always an eye opener. It's great when you observe familiar surroundings in a new light.
  • Getting a phone call from an old friend or making a call to a friend that you haven't talked to in a long time. What a great feeling! 
  • Learning something new. Yesterday, a NYT Crossword clue was "Rudy Vallee song that rhymes Cuba and Tuba". What? Well, I worked on it and the answer was "YUBA", from the song "Yuba does the Rhumba down in Cuba". What a surprise! Ridiculously marvelous.  

Now, it's your turn........ 

Dear Lord. We are so blessed. We know that, but most of the time it is so much easier to focus on our woes and complaints, than it is to be thankful. Don't let us forget that we have what we truly need, in You.


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