Tuesday, March 9, 2021


We all have done a lot of complaining in the last year. Since March of 2020, we have whined about having to wear masks. (I discovered that I do a lot of lip-reading, and that's not possible, with masks) We can't visit our favorite restaurants......and now, some of them are now closed, forever. Shopping has been a no-no. Go out and get what you need, don't linger, and go right home! Oh, and let's not forget about the "toilet paper and Kleenex shortage". That was awful. We've really have had a lot to complain about. 

Now that some of the restrictions are finally being lifted, I was recently able to attend an outdoor Memorial Service for persons, in our retirement community, who had died in the past year. Everyone wore masks and social distancing was practiced, but just being able to gather, as a group, was so wonderful. 

Sixty-seven names were read. Sixty-seven out of less than three hundred residents. That put things in perspective, for all of us who were there. Most of those folks who died, in the past twelve months, did not die of Covid, but of loneliness and sadness. All of them were seniors, and most with some medical issues, but what they had in common was the horrible isolation. Most of them died without the comforting arms and hands of their families. That's tragic. 

Our complaints seem pretty insignificant, compared to tears of those sixty-seven families, mourning their loved ones. My heart goes out to them.  

Dear Lord. We are blessed. We live in the comfort that you are always with us. Show us how to show sympathy and honor for all of Your children.

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But, what if we need it?

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